Beautiful daughter||F.Rain

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*I'm working on Adapt imagines so CHILL. Ily tho.

It's mine and Nordans wedding today. I feel so happy and just blown away. Today's the big day. Today I become Mrs.Shat, today I become his wife, he becomes my husband. Wow.

"You look so beautiful." I turn around to see my dad. "My baby is all grown up." He says.

"Don't make me cry." I tell him.

"I'm so proud of you

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"I'm so proud of you." Dad hugs me.

"Thank you papa." I say. We pull away and he looks at me, he's studying my face.

"Lets walk you down that isle." He says smiling. He's happy he got to see his little girl walk down the isle, that's he walking her down the isle. He walks me down the isle on his que given by the song. He hands me to Nord.

"Take care of her." Dad says.

"With my life." Nord replies, he turns to look at me and smiles widely. "You look beautiful." He compliments me.

"Thank you baby." I give him a smile. The ceremony proceeds and we say our I do's.

"I have a question for a special someone." Nordan says looking around. "Avery. Can you come up please." He says as his eyes land on her. She does as requested. "You know I love you right?" He asks her. She nods her head. "I've been in your life for quiet some time. You're an amazing, lovable little girl. I love you with all my heart. I'm getting married to your mom, but." He says taking a deep breath. "Will you allow me to be your step dad forever?" He asks making my heart melt. Oh my god he's going to make me cry. Avery nods her head.

"I'll allow you to be my dad forever." She hugs him. He holds her and I hear her cry a bit. I rub her back. She loves Nordan, Nordan is her dad even though he's not biologically. They have a special bond and I am forever grateful with god for that. They pull away and Nordan wipes away her tears. He picks her up and hugs me.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest says. Nordan kisses me, it's sweet, caring and nurturing. I hear the crowd clapping and cheering. I have a big smile on my face once we pull away. I admire his beautiful face.

"My beautiful husband." I say looking into his eyes.

"My beautiful wife." He says looking at me. His eyes shift to Avery who's admiring us. "And my beautiful daughter." He says making her smile even wider. "Papa can you place me down so I can grab the basket?" She asks him. He nods his head and places her down she runs to grab her basket. Nordan takes my hand in his and leads us down the isle as a married couple. Mr and Mrs.Shat.

At the reception

"Nordan I must say you asking Avery for permission to be her dad was beautiful." Sally says.

"I love her, just look at her." Nordan says seeing Avery play with her cousins.

"Yeah I can totally agree." I say looking at Avery.

"You guys are so meant to be." Sally says smiling at us.

"I couldn't agree with you even more." Nordan says. He looks down at me and pecks my lips making me smile.

The first Friday of November omg.
Updated: Nov 3, 2017

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