Christmas||F. Adapt

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I hug and greet my boyfriend and his family. My parents and siblings come and meet them. I told Alex to tell his family to greet anyone they see as they entered the house. My sister Jess had invited her boyfriend Lucas and his family over as well.

"Hello Alex how are you?" Dad asks.

"I'm great sir, how are you?" Alex asks.

"You didn't stutter." I hear Milan mumble making me laugh as my dad and Alex talk. "I am so grateful for you." I tell her making her smile.

"I'm grateful for Alex having you, he seems happier." She says smiling.

"I'm also happier." I smile like an idiot.

"I'm glad. I hope you guys stay together forever." She says sincerely.

"I plan on it." I say making her smile.

"The champurrado is done." My aunt announces as she brings in mugs filled with champurrado. There's sweet bread on the table she placed the mugs on. I take a mug and pink concha.

"Fatty." I hear my cousin Jacky comment. I place them down quickly and hug her. "I thought you weren't coming." I tell her.

"Surprise." She says making me laugh. "You brought the boyfriend?" She asks surprise.

"And the boyfriends family." I say.

"It's getting serious?" She asks.

"I think it is." I smile.

"Hey Y/n." I turn to see Alex mother.  "Your mother is look for you." She says.

"Thank you." I say. Jacky and I make my way to my mother.

"Yes mom?" I ask.

"Have you been checking on Alex and his family? I don't want anyone to feel left out." She says.

"Yes mom. I've been checking up on them." I say. She nods her head and goes with my aunts.

My uncles and dad are playing cards. The littler kids are running around and the teens are playing uno, Alex sisters joined them. Alex is speaking with my mom and his mom. I walk towards them.

"We were talking about you." Mom says.

"Bad things?" I ask joking making them laugh.

"All the time." Alex moms jokes. Alex kisses my temple I smile at his small affection. He knows I'm not big on PDA and it's a big no no in my family. "So are we staying ups to open the gifts?" Alex asks.

"Yes its tradition." I say "At 12 on the dot we all gather in the living room and we open the gifts one by one. We start off with the gift exchange and then we move on from there." I add. He nods his head. I look around and I realized its just the two of us, our mothers left us. "I'm hungry." he says. I take his hand in mine. "lets get food." I say leading the way.


"It's almost time." I hear one of my little cousins tell my little brother as they run into the living room.

"All the little kids are impatiently waiting for it to be twelve, I'm surprised non of them have fallen asleep." He says.

"They keep each other wake and we let them nap during the day. I remember waiting for it to be twelve so we could open the gifts. We would run around the house to be kept awake and play with toys and come up with different plans to stay awake." I say.

"It's a cute tradition." He says.

"It is. I remember doing it ever since we we're kids." I say.

"If we have kids you want to make them stay up for Christmas? I'm enjoying this whole thing." He says.

"Yes." I say. He kisses me.

"It's twelve." My little sister yells. Everyone is inside the living room we all begin to give out the gifts and we all got what we wanted for Christmas. Alex has his arms wrapped around me.

"I think I have the best Christmas gift." Alex whispers into my ear.

"I think I do too." I smile.

I didn't post it on Christmas bc I still wasn't done with it.
Updated: Dec 29, 2017

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