Taco Run||F.Rain

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"Baby." I say kicking Nordan a bit. "Mhm." He makes out. "I'm hungry." I say.

"What do you have in mind?" He asks sounding tired. "I want tacos." I say. "Street tacos?" He asks.

"Only the best." I say. I feel him get up and I loose the warm presences of him. I grab his pillow and cuddle into it. I feel him move around in the room. I don't pay much attention since sleep pulls me back in.


"Babe." I hear Nordan whisper. "Mhm." I make out. "I brought you your tacos." He says. I get up and go to wash my hands. I kiss Nordan and sit on a chair to eat my tacos. "I love you." I tell him. He nods his head. "I love you" He says. He looks all tired, I really love this man. I get up and kiss him.

"I really love you. I really do." I say.

"I love you, now finish your tacos so we can go to bed." He says. I finish eating and we talk for a bit.

"So would he be born in Canada or here?" He asks.

"Come on it has to in LA, his whole mother's family is here. My parents can't fly out just yet." I say. "Plus it's harder to get a US nationality than it is to get a Canadian one." I add.

"Valid points, my parents can fly out along with Sally." He says. "What about his first language?" He asks.

"He will be trilingual, we will visit your mom a lot." I say. "I'll teach him Spanish, and we'll teach him English, your mom can help with the Arabic." I say making him smile. "I love that you want us to embrace every culture of his." He says smiling wildly. "I want him to feel so Mexican, and so Arabic, I want him to not be afraid to embrace his cultures. Also his Canadian and American side." I add America at the end.

"You know for being American you sure talk so much shit about Americans." He says.

"I wasn't talking shit yet." I say making him smile.

"Baby you added American at the end." He says making me smile.

"No one hates Americans more than Americans do." I say smiling.

"Point taken." He smiles.

"Don't you forget I'm Mexican American, I will always be Mexican first." I say in a matter of fact tone. He smiles even wider. "I love that." He leans in and kisses me. Once we're done with our talk I go brush my teeth and then go to bed. I lay with Nordan, he's holding me. I can't complain about my personal life, I'm with the love of my life, I'm married to him. I'm having his child, when I have cravings he runs to get them to feed me. I smile at the thought if him getting out of bed a couple of hours ago, to get me tacos. I hold him even tighter and I feel him kiss the top of my head. I smile and I know he's smiling too. Life is great.

I wrote this one for me and i love it asdfjfskkkk.

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