Our time|| F. Adapt

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"Good morning baby." Adapt kisses me.

"Morning Alex." I smile.

"So what are you plans for today?" He asks.

"Just going to hang out with the girls, and Lany." I say. "You?" I ask with a raise eyebrow.

"Just going to chill with the guys." He says. I nod my head.


"Your outfit looks so cute

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"Your outfit looks so cute." Jen says.

"Thanks Jen." I smile.

"You look so chill but so cute." Andrea says.

"I'm so comfortable in this." I say.

"Oh now let's go get so Gelato." Melanie says.

"Yes let's go." I smile.

"So how are things with Alex going?" Jen asks.

"It's okay." I shrug.

"You just shrugged and said okay?" Jen says more like a question. I nod my head "Why's that?" She asks.

"Isn't that him over there?" Melanie asks point towards a table outside In and Out. He's with another girl. I nod my head.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Jen asks.

"Cause we're not officially together, we're nothing." I say. Jen gives me a sad look. "You know what it's okay, let's not let this bother me or us. It's our day and let's make it our day." I say.

"Little sis." I turn around and see Derek.

"Big brother." I smile. I jump into his arms giving him a big bear hug. "I missed you so much." I say.

"I missed you so much too." He says.

"It's cause you've been in New York." I say.

"That's part of it and also you young lady." He says raising an eyebrow at me. "You've been traveling too. You've been preforming, taking out clothes lines and doing some acting here and there." He says smiling proudly.

"Also some modeling gigs." Andrea adds.

"You give all the love to Derek but you don't give me any?" Lany asks.

"Lany." I say jumping off of Derek and hugging Lany.

"I miss my little sister so much." She says.

"I missed you too. A bunch." I say.

"We just need Danny now." Lany says. "So we could all be together." She adds.

"But he's a grown up and he's working." Derek says acting like a teenager causing us to laugh.

"Yes, now let's go." I say jumping on Derek's back.

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