Children talk||F.Rug

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Brain and I are on our way home from his parents. They said since it's been a year that we've been married they want us to make them grandparents. I look out the window as Reverse Effect by Atozzio is playing softly. I don't want to bring up the subject because I don't know how he feels about it. It's kinda hard to tell. He's great with kids, with my nephews and nieces with his nephew and nieces.

"Thank you" Brain smiles.

"You heard that?" I ask. He nods his head. "It was supposed to be said in my head only." I say.

"I don't want you to think that we have to have kids right away." He says.

"Do you want kids right away?" I ask him.

"On on count of three?" He aka I nod my head. "One two three." I count. "No" we both say. Which lifts up some weight on my shoulders.

"I want to have kids but in the future. It's too soon right now." I say.

"I agree, plus we just got married and I want to enjoy being just being the two of us as much as we can." He says honestly. I nod my head.

"I'm glad because in all honesty I don't think I'm ready nor mentally prepared for caring a kid for nine months and then pushing it out of my body." I say. "Plus no wine for nine months, I'm so not ready." I say making him laugh.

"I can so agree on that." He says.

"I'm so glad. I just don't want to rush into having kids. I want to enjoy us as much as possible." I say.

"Me too." He smiles.

"Plus we have Comet. She's like our child." I say.

"Yeah. She is." He smiles a little.

"She's an amazing fur ball, we're good with just her right now." I say.

"I'm glad we had the children talk." He says.

"I'm glad we did." I say.

Sorry it's short. Hope you guys enjoy it though.
Updated: Dec 19, 2017

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