Slightly|| f. Tommy

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"Are you mad?" Tommy asks.

"Tommy, I'm not mad. I have no right to be mad after all I'm just your best friend." I say.

"Y/n." He says.

"Mhmm?" I ask.

"Are you mad?" He asks once again.

"I am not Tommy. Why don't you reflect on it? Since you're clearly my best friend and you know me perfectly." I say walking away from him.

"Y/n. Stop let's talk about it." He says.

"I have nothing to talk about, best friend." I say.

"Y/n, please." He begs. "Just hear me out." He pleads.

"I would honestly stay BEST FRIEND but I can't. I have dinner with my friend. Maybe I'll hook up with him, since that's what best friends do." I say walking away. I hear him groan as I'm leaving his room.

"Wow." I hear Adapt whisper as I'm walking out. I'm too pissed off to turn around and actually talk back.

"Shut up dude." Apex says. I quickly make my way down the stairs.

I'm so pissed off at him I can't actually believe he said that, then comes to me and asks me if I'm mad or upset about it. What does he expect me to be? Jumping around in happiness? The fuck, bish?

"Hey you alright?" Tristan asks. I just hug him. He just holds me, which is kinda of just what I need.

"Can we maybe go some where a bit more quiet?" I ask.

"Yeah. Meet me at my place?" He says. I nod my head.


"So are you going to tell me what's up?" He asks handing me a glass of water. I explain what happened. "Wow." he says.

"I know." I say.

"I'm not trying to side with him but what if he said this cause he doesn't know where you guys stand." He says.

"You're suppose to be on my side." I whine.

"I am on your side Y/n. I've always been on your side. It's always been Y/n side. I'm a Y/n zone." He says making me laugh.

"You're dumb." I laugh.

"That's why I'm your friend." He says.

"True true." I say honestly.

"Back to your love life problems." He says causing me to roll my eyes. "You have to talk to him Y/n, figure things out." He says.

"I kind of fucked up though." I say.

"What did you say?" He asks knowing I have a big mouth.

"I told him since best friends hook up I was going to hook up with you." I say.

"Oh my god! Y/n." He screeches. "No offense but eww. You're like my sister." He says.

"None taken. I feel the same way." I say.

"I'm glad, now call Tommy and tell him you want to talk." He says.

"Can't I just text him?" I ask.

"No! You have to call him!" He says

"Can I at least say it over the phone?" I ask.

"No, you can't!" He yells. "What if a boy did that to you? Huh? What if he told you his feelings over the phone." He says.

"FaceTime?" I ask.

"You will call him and ask him to meet up!" He says.

"Fine." I groan.

"You will thank me later." He says smiling.


I'm meeting up with Tommy at Urth Caffe in downtown and I'm honestly so nervous. I don't know what how he's going to react.

"Hey." He says taking the seat in front of me.

"Hey." I greet.

"So what were you going to say?" He asks.

"I didn't know where you stand, I understand that you didn't know where we stood and I might have of slightly over reacted." I say.

"Slightly?" He raises his eyebrow in a teasing manner.

"Yes slightly." I smile.

"Apex and the boys made me see your point. I would of slightly over reacted if I was in your position." He says emphasizing slightly. He leans closer to me and pecks my lips. "I want to be more than friends." He says.

"I do too." I whisper as I'm afraid someone would overhear.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"It would be an honor." I say pulling him into a short sweet kiss.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you'd like to, I appreciate it a lot. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Updated: May 19, 2017

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