Hold your hand|| Rug

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"Are you sure it's okay for me to come?" I ask Adriana.

"Yes. Y/n, it is. Sone of Alex's friend are accompanying us. So don't worry you won't be third wheeling." She says.

"Alright. Bye I'm start getting ready." I say.

"Alright bye." She says hanging up. We're going to the movies to see a movie with Alex and some of his friends.

I pulled two strands of my hair back and held it with the bow and curled some strands of my hair

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I pulled two strands of my hair back and held it with the bow and curled some strands of my hair. I put some mascara afterwards I bush my teeth and started applying my lipstick.

From Adriana:
Hey Y/n, we're on our way. Better be ready.

To Adriana:
Was born ready baby girl 😉

I sprayed my perfume on me and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

"Mom, Adriana and Alex are going to be here in a bit." I announced.

"Alright, take care. Text me if you're coming home any later I don't like worrying." She says.

"Alright mom." I hug her. I hear a ding and check my phone to see Adriana texted me.

From Adriana:
We're outside.

"Bye mom. They're outside." I say. I make my way to their car.  I open the backseat seat car and notice a guy is in the back seat.

"Hey guys." I say getting in the car.

"Hey Y/n." Adriana says.

"Sup." Alex says. "Y/n, that's Rug, Rug that's Y/n." Alex says.

"Hey." I smile waving at him. "What movie are we watching?" I ask. Alex and Adriana turn to look at each other.

"We'll see when we get there." They say.

"Alright." I nod my head uneasy. I look down at my phone and it's my friend Megs telling me about our plans for tomorrow. I notice we passed the movie theater and we're going on the freeway.

"Guys?" I ask them.

"Yes?" Adapt asks.

"How come we passed the movie theater?" I ask.

"Cause we're actually not going to the movies but we're going to some abandon air planes." Adriana answers. I huff out in frustration.

"That's some demon shit." I say lowly. I'm guessing Rug heard cause he started laughing.

"I heard that." Adriana says.

"Adri if you know how I feel about this, why do you make me do this?" I ask her.

"Come on." Adriana says.

"I'm stay in the car." I say.

"I told you Adriana, Y/n wouldn't want to come." Alex says.

"I'm not getting out of the car." I say.

"Come on." Adriana begs me.

"No!" I whine.

"Fine then. Have it your way if something happens to you and we're not around it's not my fault." She says. I hate when she does that.

"Fine." I say getting out. "I'm not even dressed appropriately." I say.

I heard some coyotes and I got closer to Rug.

"Are you liking it so far?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say. I hear the coyotes again.

"Are you scared?" Rug asks.

"Yeah a bit." I say.

"I can hold your hand if it makes you feel better." He holds my hand in his, my heart skips a beat. I interview our fingers.

"Thank you." I say.


"Thank you guys, goodnight." I say getting off the car and making my way inside.

"Mom I'm home." I announce.

"Well you're early." She says. I told her where we ended up going but not that I held hands with Rug.

"Well goodnight momma." I kiss and hug her goodnight.

"Night baby." She says doing the same.

I'm laying on my bed, and I grab my phone from my night stand. I notice I have a message from an unknown number and it says:

had a good afternoon today, I'm glad I got to hold your hand.

I add the number to my contacts as Rug😛.

To Rug😛:
Thank you for holding my hand. How did you get my number?

From Rug😛:
Adriana helped me with that. It was a pleasure holding a beautiful girls hand.

To Rug😛:
Well you're welcome 😛.

From Rug😛:
Will we be able to do that again before I leave?

To Rug😛:
Hold hands or go out in the wild?

From Rug😛:
Do both but preferably hold hands for now

To Rug😛:

From Rug😛:
And maybe this time, we will actually go to the movies.

To Rug😛:
I would very much enjoy that.


Updated: Jan 27, 2017

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