She left|| Nick J.

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"Daddy, where's mommy?" Thalia asks.

"She's not with us baby." I turn to look at my six year old daughter who's asking for her mother. I can't tell her she left us for another man. I can't break her heart.

"Did she go to aunts Antoinette?" She asks. "Will she be back soon?" She asks.

"I'm sorry, she left the room." Nana says.

"Don't worry about it Nana. Just take Thalia, we must be ready for dinner at my parents." I say.

"I'll have her ready 30 minutes before Nick." She says giving me a warm smile.


"Nana?" I call out.

"Yes Nick?" She asks coming in with Thalia in her arms.

"Can you help me pick out a tie?" I ask. She nods her head. She helps me pick out the tie and helps me do it.

"Thalia is ready Nick." She says.

"Thank you Nana." I say.

"You're welcome Nick. Now you must go before your mother gets angry at you for being late." She says rushing me out. I nod my head taking Thalia and her little backpack Nana hands me.

*  eleven years later. *
Thalia p.o.v.
"Dad." I scream out entering the house.

"In my office." He screams out.

"I have good news." I say running into his office.

"What is it?" He asks.

"I made it to the poetry team." I say.

"I'm so happy for you baby." He says.

"I am too. Nana will be so proud of me." I say.

"I'm sure she will, she just went to the store to buy somethings and she'll be back." He says.

"I'm tell Arnoldo." I say.

"Thalia, are Arnoldo and you?" He asks hinting at dating.

"Ew dad. Arnoldo likes guys. He's my best friend, he isn't into girls." I say.

"Just asking." He says lifting up his arms in defense. My dads a young dad, he had me at a young age with my birth giver. She was present in my life until I was six and ran off with an other man.

"Dad can I ask you something?" I ask. He nod his head. "Don't get mad please." I pled. "Why don't you date?" I ask cautiously.

"Thalia." He lets out. "You're my worry, I've been your father and mother, I don't need anyone to help me out besides your grandmother and nana." He says.

"Dad have you thought of it, not for me but for you. I'm soon leaving and you'll be alone. Nana has her family and I would hate to see you alone. What about your good doctor friend Leigh-Anna? She helped you with me for a bit and she's so pretty and single." I say.

"Yeah, no." He says.

"Dad-" I begin. "No. Just drop it Thalia Nicole Johnson." He says.

"This is the first time you use my full name Nick." I say annoyed.

"Thalia." He warns.

"Fine have it your way. Be alone forever! Just a daughterly reminder, she isn't coming back! She doesn't love us! She forgot about us, she left us for another man!" I say leaving his office. I don't know what took over me, I just got so angry.

I knock on my fathers door. "Come in." He says. His voice is peaceful. "Dad." I say opening the door.

"I'm sorry." I say. He pulls me into a hug. "You didn't and aren't raising me this way. I crossed the line, I shouldn't of had said that." I say.

"Hey Thalia it's okay. You're right, she isn't coming back. All these years I spent focusing them on us, trying to be the best dad I can be and give you everything." He says.

"You gave me all the love and everything. You're giving me the best schools. I just want you to have someone so you won't be alone." I say.

"I have you right now and that's all I needs. Nick Johnson just needs his daughter and his Nana for now." He says. "Did you know before you were born I was scared shitless of ruining your life with a mistake I would commit. Once you were here, you gave me so much more reasons to try harder for you. And when she left I was motivated to be the best father and mother I could be." He says.

"I am glad pa', I'm so thankful I have Nick Johnson as my father." I say honestly. He kissed my forehead .

"I'm so thankful to have Thalia Nicole Johnson as my daughter." He says making me smile.

I got inspired by one of my favorite soap opera in Spanish called Teresa. Yah should watch it's on Netflix. Don't forget to vote, comments and share, along with reading my stories I appreciate it. Guys request are open, dm me or comment down below.
Updated: July 9th, 2017

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