Best date||F.Jzpr

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*Inspired by OTH. i might not do Jasper imagines since he has a girl. HAPPY BIRTHYDAY TO CULERA BALE. TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY

"Tell me what's your favorite date you've had Y/n Y/l/n?" Jasper asks as we're watching friends in his living room.

"I would have to say Logan Mitchell. We were around 7 or six and he passed me a little note asking me to be his girlfriend." I say. "We ate ice cream and pizza. We watched movies. Before leaving he passed me a note asking me. I said yes and passed it back. We held hands and we didn't worry about anything in the world." I say going in depth. "What about you?" He asks.

"I was dating Anna at the time and we were 14. We went to the lake and had a picnic." He says. "It was so relax and I didn't have a worry in the world." He says.

"I miss not having to worry about things." I say.


Jasper and I had ice cream. We had cheese burgers instead of pizza. We're eating cheesecake. "I remember you told me that if I got you cheesecake that would help me make you fall in love." He says cheekily.

"You're not wrong my friend." I kiss his check.

"And that your best date was with Logan Mitchell." He says, I nod my head.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask him. He shrugs and continues to eat his slice of cheesecake.

"Did you have fun?" Jasper asks. I nod my head.

"I had lots of fun, thank you for taking me out tonight." I give him a small smile.

"I have something for you." He says. I raise my eyebrows at him. He takes out a sheet of my paper with a pencil and hands it to me. I open it and it reads

Will you be my girlfriend? Check one
⬜️ Yes ⬜️ Maybe ⬜️No

I check the yes and hand it over to him. He reads it and a smile forma on his face. He looks up at me and I kiss him. Once we pull away a smile plays on my face and his.

"I'd liked to see you again girlfriend." He says making me smile wider if it's possible.

"I'd like that again boyfriend." I say making him smile. "Goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight." He says before I enter the house.

Ik it's a short imagine. Don't forget to vote, comments and share, along with reading my stories I appreciate it. Guys request are open, dm me or comment down below.
Updated: August 09th, 2017

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