I'm back||F.Banks

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I'm on way to the Faze house. Only Blaze knows I'm here. The rest of the boys didn't keep in touch much since I left. I mean I did hurt Ricky for leaving him. Lucas meets me outside his gated community, the uber drops me off. I get my into Lucas's car, I stopped in my sisters apartment before coming here to rest for a bit and drop off my luggage's.

"I haven't seen you in forever." He says pulling me I to a hug.

"I missed you." I say.

"I did too." He says.

"What about the boys?" I ask.

"They did too, even though they don't want to admit it. Especially Apex, I think he was the one who was hurt the most." He says. I nod my head. They wouldn't understand. "I have to warn you about Banks."he says.

"What?" I ask.

"He has a new girlfriend." He says I nod my head, I didn't expect him to wait for me. I told him not to. I am over Banks, I don't feel anything towards him, except for gratefulness. "You don't see umm sad." Lucas says.

"I don't have feelings for Banks, I had. I still care for him and I always will. I told him not to wait for me because I didn't know when I would come back, I didn't know if I would still love him but I don't. I did at a point but I lost the feeling." I say.

"I though it would break you, I'm glad it didn't Y/n. I know you left to find yourself, you were losing yourself. The fact that you found yourself through music is dope." Lucas says. "That was honestly one of the bravest thing someone could do." He says making me feel better about leaving.

"It took everything I had to move and start from scratch to find myself." I say. "Music just spoke to me." I add.

"I feel you." He says. "Well we're here." He says. We make our way inside the house and I greet all the boys except Apex.

"Is Apex home?" I ask.

"Yeah he said he'd be down in a bit." Rain says. I nod my bead. "Just give him some time." He says.

"He gave me time its only fair." I say.

"Banks and some of the guys are coming through later on." Cheo says.

"I'm fine with that guys." I say.

"Are you sure?" Nick asks.

"What are you going to do tell them not to come?" I ask. Teeqo shrugs. "No guys. I'm fine. I glad he's dating someone and he's happy. I have no feeling for him." I say honestly.

"Y/n." I hear Apex say.

"Apex." I smile. I walk to him and he pulls me I to a hug.

"I've missed you." He said.

"I have to." I say.

"We have so much we need to catch on." He says pulling me upstairs to his room.


We've been hanging out with Banks and his friends. I haven't exactly talked to him.

"You look good." Banks says.

"So do you." I say.

"You didn't tell me you were coming." He says.

"We stopped talking." I say.

"You look happy with yourself." He says.

"I am. I found myself and I fell in love with myself." I smile. "You look happy." I tell him.

"I am. Thank you for teaching me to look after myself and not in a rude way." He smiles.

"You seem very happy and in love with Alissa. I'm glad you're with someone who makes you happy and loves you." I say.

"I'm glad too. Any one new?" He asks.

"Just me, and I'm happy about that." I smile.

"I'm so glad you found yourself and you're in love with yourself." He says pulling me into a hug.

"Me too." I nod my head.

I like this one. I hope you do too.
Updated: Dec 22, 2017

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