Mexico Vaccation|| F. Tommy

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*guys it's yo girls birthday, I'm  17. I posted this one because it's my favorite one yet & im Mexican & I want to & it's my birthday.

"How do you feel?" I ask Tommy, he looks so tired. He's been helping my dad with the luggages since my brother couldn't make it with us, he said he'd catch us up. My little brother Gibo who's ten tried helping but it's heavy for him. My little sister Ryllis is being held by my older sister Jess or my mom.

"I'm good." He says. I peck his lips.

"I'm glad that you tagged along with us. I'm sure my parents do too." I say as I wrap my hands around his waist.

"Thank you for the help Tommy." Dad says.

"It's nothing." Tommy smiles dad nods his head and makes his way to my mom and sisters.

"Tommy do you really like my sister?" Gibo asks.

"Yes I do." He says with a smile.

"What about me?" Gibo asks.

"Don't tell your sister I think I like you more." Tommy says making Gibo smile.

"Now that's a lie." Marie my little 13 year old sister says. "He likes me a lot more." She says making Gibo giver a stink eye.

"I love both of you equally." Tommy says hugging them. Ryllis comes running. And tugs me to pick her up.

"Hey little one." I say.

"Hey." She smiles.


Our dad has my uncle pick us up.

"Tio Juan." I hug him. "Mija." He says happily. I introduce Tommy. He understands Spanish so it's as easier. We're in a van, dad sits on the passenger seat as my uncle drives. It's mom, Ryllis and Jess in the middle seats, in the back it's Marie, Gibo, me and Tommy. We arrive to our house, we share a house with my dads family, his family takes care of the house while we're in the states. It isn't nothing too big or fancy. My dad bought it when we were younger.

"Your house is cute." Tommy says.

"It isn't mine, it's my parents." I say.

"Está bonita." He says.

"I have my room here, when I'm not here our rooms remain locked. My grandmother doesn't let anyone in mine, my siblings or parents room." I say.

"Wow you must have a special spot in your grandmothers heart." I nod my head.

"I met her when I was 12." I smile. I go inside and greet my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. We put everything away in my room, it's just how I left it before I left last summer. My parents call my downstairs, Tommy and I make our way downstairs. Once I reach the bottom I see Alberto my childhood friends.

"Alberto." I say running towards him.

"Y/n." He pulls me into a hug.

"Te extrañé." He says she (I missed you)

"Y yo a ti." I say. (I missed you)

"Como estás?" He asks.(how are you)

"Bien y tú?" I ask. (Good & you?) we talk some more. My dad clears his throat. I remember Tommy is here.

"This is novio Thomas," I say.  "Tommy this is Alberto, my childhood friend." I say. Tommy and Alberto greet each other.

"Es un gringo?" Alberto asks. (He's white?)

"No soy brasileño, habló portugués y español." Tommy says.

"Ah El Niño es brasileño" my grandmother says amused. "Deme historias." Grand says. (Oh the boy's Brazilian, tell me stories). Tommy got perfectly along with my family they love him. I talk with Alberto and every time I do so Tommy is eyeing him.

"You don't need to worry about him trying anything." I say hugging him from behind.

"Y/n you're hot I'm surprised he hasn't tried anything. He better watch it, you're mine." He says turning around and looking at me.

"And you're mine." I say making a wide smile spread across his smile. I feel a flash go off, I turn to look at my cousin Elena who took a picture of us. It's a polaroid picture, once it reveals she shows it to us.

"You guys look so in love." She says.

"That's because I am in love with her." Tommy says making me blush.

"Awe." I turn to see my little brother Raul he's 18. I hug him.

"You're finally here." I say.

"Yeah, I'm go greet everyone else." He says making his way towards our grandparents.  Elena was telling Tommy and I about her photography classes and how she needs to build a portfolio before she graduates, it's her last year.

"How would you feel about going to the US and doing a photoshoot of me and my friends. People owe me favors so I could pull a few strings and could get you a gig with some people." I say.

"You would do that?" She asks. I nod my head.

"Anything for my favorite cousin." I say. She pulls me into a hug.

"You can also take photos for Gfuel, if you want." Tommy says.

"I would love to." She hugs us. "You guys are a perfect match, marry him Y/n." She says making me widen my eyes.

"I'll make her my wife soon." Tommy says making Elena squeal. I shake my head laughing.

Don't forget to vote, comments and share, along with reading my stories I appreciate it. Guys request are open, dm me or comment down below.
Updated:August 10, 2017

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