I don't care enough to fight||F.Adapt

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"Hey are you going to eat that?" Alex asks.

"No you can have it." I say walking away from the kitchen.

"Thank you." He muffles out with a stuffed face. It's absolutely disgusting but I don't have the energy to start a fight. I just nod my head and walk upstairs to his bedroom. I walk into his bedroom to find it a mess. I begin to pick up the shirts on the floor and placing them on the hamper. I clean up his room a bit more before laying down on his bed. I kinda been feeling overwhelmed with everything this past few days. Especially with Alex, he does things that annoy me. At first I would tell him but he still does them and honestly I'm too tired to fight.

I grab my laptop and begin doing my work in his room. I sit on his bed and he comes in and lay nexts me. He turns on the tv and he watches tv. "Can you lower it?" I ask. "Yeah." He says. He laughs and keeping making noises. "Babe can you please turn it off and watch it somewhere else?" I ask him. He turns it off and then throws the controller on a sofa. He huffs our in frustration. I close my laptop and say "okay I'm done." breaking the silence.

"What?" He asked off guard.

"I'm done, I'm done with us, with you. I'm done tying to have something when it's clearly not working Alex. We're always fighting and it's toxic and I can't keep holding onto something I no longer want to fight for. I don't have the energy to fight for it." I say as my eyes tear up. He looks so heartbroken. "Sometimes love isn't enough, we fight a lot Alex and it hurts I don't want to keep being in such a toxic environment. I don't want to harm you I want the best for you so I'm letting go." I say.

"I don't care enough to fight for this relationship if it means that it will tear us apart and be the end us." I add looking into his eyes.

"Our Love isn't enough?" He asks. I look at him heartbroken, I love this boy standing in front of me, I love him too much to hurt him. We just aren't working and I don't want to hurt him and damage him when he deserves better. He can have an amazing relationship with someone else, we just aren't working. He nods his head. "So we aren't going to fight for us no more?" He asks.

"Alex it's hurting us, fighting for us is hurting ourselves. I love you baby, but I don't see us working. We need to focus on us and we're better as friends." I say breaking him. I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry baby. I want to hold him and wipe his tears away. "We're not worth fighting." He whispers making my heart ache.

"I'll take most of my things tonight. I'm sorry Alex, I truly am." I say.

"I am sorry too." He says leaving his room. I pick my things and take my bags and place them inside my car. I take my clothes my from his closet. I take the last of my things out of his place. I say goodbye to the boys and Alex. It hurts so bad but I'm done fighting for something that will harm us more than benefit us.

Summer break is about to start, my last day was Wednesday but happy Friday! Congrats to all 2018 graduates, I'm a officially a senior guys, I'm excited and scared. I know it's going to be great. I'm officially ASB voice for my school, well enough about me tell me your plans and hope you guys enjoy the update. You guys requested Adapt and I delivered, I'm sorry it's a sad one. I love you guys. & Happy Birthday to my boyfriend & my baby cousin.
Updated: June 8, 2018

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