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"Y/n, Anne needs you to look at these samples." Jan says.

"Yeah okay." I say taking them from her. I look through them.

"Ms.Benedict wants your approval." She says. I nod my head examining the work.

"I think they will work for us." I say. "I'll have a response by tomorrow at noon." I say. My secretary Diana comes rushing in. "What happened Diana?" I ask.

"You're late to you dinner with your husband." She says making my eyes widen. Oh no.

"Thank you." I say. I check my phone at it's 7:30, I'm half an hour late. I grab my things quickly and make my way out. I greet the guard taking care of the parking. I make my way to my car quickly and just throw my things into the passenger side. I drive to our place since we were having the dinner there. I pull up to our drive way and it's 7:50 the traffic made me even more late. I quickly change into something nice and fancy. I drive to the restaurant to where we made reservations.

I sent him a quick text that I'm on my way

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I sent him a quick text that I'm on my way. I quickly make my way towards the restaurant. I do valet parking and go inside the restaurant. I say the reservations lines. The host leads me to the table. We got a private room, Cheo is there looking at me surprised that I made it. He raises his eyebrows at me.

"I'm sorry I'm so late baby." I say.

"I'm not going to ask, all I'm going to say is I'm hungry." He says. I nod my head, we order our food. We talk about his day, I don't want to talk about mine. He makes me laugh, just like he did when we first got together, like when we first got married. It's been two years of us together and it's amazing, except for the part of my demanding job. We talk about random things and we eat our food. He's had wine so I was drive, he had came in an Uber.

"I'm sorry for being late. It's our anniversary and I was late." I say.

"I didn't want to make you dinner because I was afraid you would be late and you were." He says. I nod my head. I don't take it to the heart because he's right, I've been late lately. I've been focusing on work a lot. The rest our car ride is pretty quiet. We get off the car and make our way inside our home. He turns me around to face him, he rests his hands on my bottom. "I don't blame you for being late, I get that you're in love with your work. I understand if because the same happens to me, I enjoy my work and I get lost in it." He says looking into my eyes. He removes one hand from my bottom and places on my check, caressing it. "Where's my gorgeous smile?" He asks. I give him a smile. "That's the smile I love so much." He says pulling me into a kiss, it's deep, passionate and steamy. He pulls away and leaves wet kiss on my neck. "Now, We're going to celebrate our anniversary in our bed room." He says picking me off the floor making me giggle.

I posted today's since I didn't have one yesterday. Enjoy!!
Updated: April 21,2018

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