Leaked number||Banks

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"Hey y/n." Banks hugs me.

"Hey baby." I kiss him. His phone starts ringing. He looks down and notices it's an unknown number.

"Hello." He says picking up. After a while of him being on the phone he looked annoyed. He than hung up looking annoyed.

"What's up?" I ask.

"A fan just called me." He says.

"What do you mean a fan just called?" I ask.

"A fan just called me. I don't know how he got my number but he did. All I'm praying for is he doesn't give it to other people." He says looking worried.

"I'm sure it will all be fine." I peck his lips. "Come on let's go up stairs." I grin at him, this causes him to smile.

"I want to watch Mulan!" I say loudly.

"Fine let's let my baby watch Mulan." Banks says.


This is the fourth time they've called Ricky and I'm kind of getting annoyed by it.

"Who keeps calling you?" I ask once he ended the call.

"Fans." He says annoyed. "I'm trying to watch movies with my girl and I can't cause fans keep interrupting. Don't get me wrong I love them and everything but I want to spend time with my girl." He says.

"Come here." I tell him patting a seat next to me. He makes his way towards me and I pull him into a hug and kiss his check. "It's okay." I try to calm him down.

"It's just so annoying like I'm trying to spend time with my girlfriend since I finally have her here with me." Banks says.

"Richard look at me baby." I hold his face in my hands. "It's okay." I smile at him.

"Not it's not." He huffs out in frustration. I pull him into a kiss, I feel him smile into the kiss.

"Better?" I ask. He nods his head while having a smile plastered on his face.

"Y/n!" Banks calls out.

"Yes?" I call out.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Down stairs with Blazeiken and Adapt." I say. I hear someone coming from the stairs. I feel someone pick me up which causes me to scream cause of surprise. I realize it's Banks.

"Put me Richard." I say.

"Not until we talk." He says.

"How am I suppose to talk to you when I'm not even facing you." I say as he's taking me upstairs.

"We're going to talk in private." Is all he says. He places me down as soon as we get inside his room.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He looks pretty upset.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" He asks rhetorically. "What's wrong is that my own girlfriend leaks my number to my fans." He says, oh shit he found out. I bite down my smile.

"I see that smile forming on your lips!" He says.

"I'm sorry, I just really wanted to get you back for pulling that dumb shit on me." I say.

"So you leaked my number?" He asks.

"So I leaked your number." I say confirming it. "I'm sorry." I do tippy toes and try to bear hug him. I end up jumping on him and wrapping my body around him and peck his check.

"Mhm." I hear him say. I look at him in the eyes.

"You're mad?" I ask him, he stays quiet. I kiss him, and I bite down him bottom lip. "You're still mad?" I ask him. He doesn't say anything so I pull him into another kiss. "Are you still mad?" I ask him.

"A bit." He says. I kiss him again and this kiss was very passionate.

"How about now?" I ask him.

"A tincy wincy." He responds. I pull him into another kiss but this kiss is a lot more heated. I tug on his hair causing him to moan as he grips my ass.

"Now?" I ask him having a grin plastered on my face.

"I'm better now." He says.

"I'm glad." I peck his lip.

"Just don't do that again, now I need to go and change my number." He says trying to detach himself from me.

"No." I hold on tighter to him. "Don't leave me baby." I say.

"Baby I'll be back soon. It will take a minute." He says. I shake my head and burry my face in his neck. "Come on babe." He whispers. I shake my head. "I have to do a video and change my number and I can't if you're on me." He says. Then a brilliant idea came to mind.

"Why don't you make your video calling fans since your phone number was leaked. I saw my brother doing that to his fans." I say.

"Alright, but you have to get off." He says. "You want to do the video with me?" He asks.

"Sure." I say getting off of him. "So you're not mad at all?" I ask him.

"I wasn't mad baby. I was annoyed." He says.

"I'm so sorry." I kiss his check.

"It's alright, I'm make a video out of it." He kisses my lips.

I like this one. ❤️
Updated: March 3, 2017

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