staffs policy|| Rain

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"Lay, can you take the next party." Anne asks.

"Yeah sure." I say making my way towards the front.

"Party of how many?" I ask.

"Party of seven." One of guys say. I nod my head and grab seven menus.

"Follow me please." I say leading them towards a free table.

"I'll be right back with you guys." I say placing the last menu down. One of them smile at me and I return the smile. I attend an other table.

"Thank you Lay." Anne says.

"No problem. But the tip is mine." I laugh.

"Of course girl." She says.


"Can I get you guys anything to drink?" I ask politely. I'm about to take their orders.

"Would you guys like to order your food now or do you guys need more time?" I ask.

"Can we have more time?" The fake blond asks. I nod my head and smile walking away to get their drinks.

I place their drinks down.

"Are you guys ready to order?" I ask.

"Yeah." One of them say.

"Would that be it?" I ask after they finish ordering.

"No." The fake blond says. "Would it be possible for me to get your number?" He asks. I raise my left eyebrow at him.

"I'm sorry Hun. That's not on the menu." I say.

"What if I buy you a drink?" He asks.

"You'll have to work for it. I don't even think your old enough to buy yourself a drink." I say.

"Rain just drop it. You're not getting it bro." One of the guys laugh.

"I'll get by the end of the night, watch Nick." supposably Rain says.

"Well if that's all, excuse me." I say walking away.

"You're scaring the poor girl." I hear one of them say.

"Not even Apex." Rain says.

"Yes you are." Another one says.

"Shut it Rug rat." Rain says.

"Leave Rug Rat alone." Apex says.

"Can you do the credit card game?" Apex asks.

"Yeah sure." I say. They hand their credit cards. "Tell me when to stop." I say. I shuffle them behind my back.

"Stop." Rug says. I pull a card and show them.

"Haha it's Rain." Nick laughs.

"Lay, you're needed in the front." Anne says.

"I'll be back for the check." I say make my way towards the front.

"Ricky?" I ask once I see him.

"Lay." He hugs me.

"What oh my. I haven't seen you since the longest." I hug him, I feel tears build up.

"I know." He stokes my hair. I pull away.

"I'm kind of in a shift. Once I'm done with these people I'm off." I say.

"I'll wait." He says.

"Alright. Thank you for waiting." I hug him. He nods his head.


"So would it be possible for me to get your number?" Rain asks as he hands me the check.

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