Cutie from Panda || Rug

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"Come on Y/n." My friends hurried me up.

"I'm coming." I say. "You guys have very long legs." I say trying to catch up to them.

"Haha short stuff." My friend Loren says.

"Hey, I'm an alright hight." I roll my eyes.

"Let's go in Panda." Loly says.

"I want Subway." I say.

"Panda" "Subway" Lay and Mandy scream.

"You guys get panda and we'll get subway." I say. They nod their heads in agreement.

"Why do you guys have to live in San Diego?" I ask Mandy as we walk to Panda with our subway in our hands.

"Hey you still live in LA." She says.

"My parents like LA, so do my brothers." I say.

"You're so lucky. Still living the LA life." She says.

"You can always come and visit me." I say opening the door.

"I know. You almost always come to San Diego and see us." She says.

"Yeah. I'm always doing the driving." I say. "Well not all my brothers do some. Since Jays dating Laly." I say.

"They're finally dating?" Lay asks.

"That's what I heard Jay tell Mike." I shrug.

"You eavesdrop?" Loren asks.

"I was walking by and they don't know how how whisper." I say.

"Excuse me." I look up to see a cute guy.

"Uhm yeah sorry." I move.

"It's okay." He chuckles. I didn't know what to say so I walk to get a table.

"What was that all about?" Loly asks.

"He just asked if I could move nicely." I shrug taking a seat.

"He's looking this way." Lay grins.

"Okay." I say.

My phone goes off. I look downs and see it's my brother, Jay.

"Hey." I say picking up.

"Y/n, we're about to leave. Where are you?" He asks.

"I'm at Panda with the girls. I thought you were going to take longer." I say.

"Well it's not. Send me where you at. We're leaving earlier than expected." He says.

"Fine. I'll send it right now."  I sigh.

"See you in a bit." He says hanging up.

"What happened?" Mandy asks.

"I'm leaving." I say.

"How? WHY?" Loren screams causing people to turn to look at us.

"Jay called." I said.

"Jay is scary." Lay says, I nod my head.

From Mike:
We'll be there in five.

To Mike:

"Well girls as much as I love you guys, I need to go." I hug them. We began to get up and walk out to wait for Jay and Mike outside.

"You're going back to LA. I won't see my best friend for weeks." Lay hugs me.

"I'll come soon. I'll ether drive alone here or come with one of the idiots." I tell her.

"You guys can always come visit me in LA." I say.

"Y/n, come on." Mike says.

"Bye guys." I hug them.

"Bye Y/n." They say as I get in the car.

"Why'd we have to leave so early?" I ask. Jay and Mike exchange looks.

"How was lunch with the girls? Meet any boys?" Mike changed the subject knowing they don't want to talk about it.

"It was chill, we talked about everything going on." I say.

Weeks later.
"I'm coming!" Lay screamed from inside her house.

"Ahh!" She screams pulling me into a hug. "I missed you." She says.

"I did too." I squeeze her.


"So where should we go out to eat?" She asks.

"How about Panda?" I ask.

"Panda it is." She says grabbing her wallet and keys.

"Thank you." I tell the chaser lady.

"You're welcome." She nod and smiles while handing me the change.

"You done Lay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Hold up." She says.

"Excuse me." I look up to see the cute guy from last time I was here at Panda.

"Oh um, I'm sorry." I say moving.

"I guess every time we encounter each other you're always in my way." He teases. I feel my checks flush.

"I guess." I smile.


"Y/n, you talked to a guy?" Lay asks surprised.

"I talk to guys." I say.

"Y/n your own cousins don't count, nor little kids." She says. I stick my tongue out at her.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes.

"I'll be back." Lay says. I nod my head and take a sip of my Hi-C.

"Hey." I look up to see the cute guy from earlier.

"Hey." I smile.

"I'm Brian." He says.

"I'm Y/n." I smile.

"I thought you were really cute and I wanted to know if I could have your number or snapchat." He says.

"Yeah." I smile. We exchange numbers and I add him on snapchat.

"So you're the 'cutie from Panda🐼' I see." He says chucking.

"Of course." I smile.

"Well I got to go, I'll text you." He says.

"I'll be waiting." I laugh.

"Oo did little Y/n get a cuties number?" Lay teases.

"Yes I did." I say smiling.

"Wow, chill girl for all we know he can be a murderer." She says.

"Yea, cause he can kill with his looks." I say.

"What have you done to my best friend! Give me my best friend back. I want my best friend back." She says dramatically causing me to lose my shit and laugh my ass off.


Updated: Feb 3, 2017

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