I thought||Jzpr

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"Com'n baby, I need to film." Jasper says.

"No." I say wrapping my arms around his neck as I rest my head on his chest.

"Come on baby. I'm vlogging today." He places his thumb and index fingers under my chin making me look at him. He pulls me closer to peck my lips. "Am I allowed to get out of bed now?" He asks. I pout my lips.

"But I barley see you though." I frown.

"I'm just going to the gym, you want to come along?" He asks. I scrunch my nose. "Come on, I'll work out with you." He gives me one of his to die for pleading smiles.

"But I promise myself that I wouldn't work out on this trip." I say.

"Come on baby." He begs.

"Fine." I give up.

"Yaye." He peck my lips. "Will I be in your video?" I ask him.

"Do you feel comfortable?" He asks. "I know you feel weird about people watching you work out." He says.

"I don't mind." I say. "As long as you correct me if I have the wrong posture." I grab my yoga pants from my luggage.

"I'll make sure of it, I know the fans will die when they see a video of you working out." He says.

"They'll be fine." I assure him.

"They've actually requested for you to come out in a work out video." He says.

"They have?" I ask as I make my way to the bathroom to change.

"Yeah, I just didn't want to pressure you on anything. Even though you are a YouTube star." He says.

"I'm your star." I wink at him closing the bathroom door. I hear him chucking and say "she's the cutest".

I walk out of the bathroom and notice that Jasper is already changed. He pulls out his camera to begins his vlog.  I start actually paying attention when he says "So today guys, someone very special to all of us is joining us." He continues by saying "She actually agreed in doing a work out video with me for you guys. It's my girlfriend Y/n." He says and I walk into the frame.

"Hi guys." I wave smiling into the camera.

Once we get to the gyms parking lot I ask Jasper if I can vlog. He said yes which got me happy for an unknown reason.

"So babe." I call out for him.

"Hmh?" He asks.

"You're so cute." I say.

"Thank you babe, so are you." He says. We continue walking I am a few steps away from him, and I look at how good his butt looks. I'm tempted to give it a nice squeeze, ooh yes. I turn on the camera and begin vloging, I get closer to him and my hand gets closer to his butt. I finally reach it and give it nice squeeze. Jasper turns around and looks at me so surprised.

"Babe." He scolds. I smile at him innocently.

"What?" I ask.

"Don't you what me, young lady. You know exactly what you did." He says.

"You sound like my mother. And I finally get to do that, you always do it to me." I defend myself.

"Mhm, okay." He says.

"Mhm okay." I mock him.

Recording the video was surprisingly fun.

"How'd I do babe?" I ask Jasper as we're walking back to the car.

"You did good babe. I only corrected your posture twice." He says. "Thank you." He says lacing our fingers.

"Anytime babe." I smile at him.
"Babe?" I ask him as soon as we pull out of the parking lot.

"Yes?" He says more like asking.

"Can we eat McDonald's?" I ask him.

"No, we just worked out." He says.

"But-" "-I said no." He says in a serious voice. I roll my eyes at him and go on my phone until we got home. Once we got home I quickly got out of the car, unlocked the door and went into his room.

I don't even know why I threw a tantrum, it's not my usual behavior. I had a quick shower while Jasper let's me cool off. I applied some tinted chapstick since my lips are chapped. I get out of the room and look for Jasper to apologize for my behavior.

"I'm sorry for my behavior." I say facing him.

"It's okay." He says.

"No it's not okay, I shouldn't of just had gotten mad over fast food and reacted the way I did." I say honesty. "I know you're trying to look out for both of our health and I'm just being dense." I say. He pulls me closer to him and kisses my right temple.

"It's alright baby." He says. "I get it, but it's better for your health if you stay away as much as you can from fast food restaurants." He says.

"But McDonald's is my love." I pout my lips.

"I thought I was your love." He says.

"Babe I'm sorry but McDonald's." I say.

"It's okay." He chuckles.

TBH this be me. Happy birthday to my beautiful girl Mary who's turning 22.
Updated: April 28, 2017

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