Father of my child||F. Tommy

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I hold Andrea in my arms. "She's so beautiful." Tommy says admiring her. I nod my head.

"She looks like her father." I say making him smile. He kisses me.

"Trust me it's all you, baby girl." He says.

"Trust me it's both of you. She has a gorgeous mother and a handsome dad. She got the good genes." Tommys mom says complimenting us.

"Hopefully She gets Y/n's brains." My brother says teasing Tommy.

"I hope so. She obviously got her beauty." Tommy says smiling at us, I love this goof ball, I really do and I'm glad he's the father of my child. Our parents, siblings are talking with us, they hold my baby. I notice Junior standing by the door. "Hey Junior." I wave at him smiling. He gives me a small smile and waves.

"What's up Junior?" Tommy asks. Junior shrugs and goes by my sister. "Mama will tío and tía still love me?" He asks in a worried tone, making my heart hurt, for him thinking I wouldn't love him because I have my own kid now.

"Big boy Junior" Tommy says squatting in front of him to look him in they eyes."Your tia and I had a little princess and we need a prince to play with her. Your tia and I still love you Junior, we are your godparents and we will never stop loving you." Tommy adds and Junior wraps his little arms around him. Tommy picks him up, spinning him causing Junior to laugh. Tommy sits junior on my bed. "Junior I'm your godmother and I still love, yes I have a baby now but I love you and I love her. You guys are going to be the best of friends." I say making him smile. He hugs me and I embrace him in hug.

"So, when do you planning on popping the next one?" My sister, juniors mom asks.

"Not for a while." "Soon." Tommy and I say making them laugh. "I pushed the kids out, I want to wait a while. My body needs to recuperate from her." I say pointing at our baby. "But if you do get pregnant soon, you wouldn't mind?" My brother asks.

"No, it's a baby. They would be a testimony of our love, and Mama, wants a lot of grandkids to fill up her home during the holidays." I say talking about Tommy's mom.

"You told me stories about you guys getting together on holidays, and I've seen it first hand. It's beautiful, I want at least three grand kids." She says making Tommy smile.

"We'll work on it mama." Tommy says cheekily, I smack him for making the inappropriate comment in front of our parents. Mama laughs, "you love." She says smiling.

Years Later
"Mom, are we almost there?" Andres asks. My baby is 15, he was born years ago. I got pregnant with him three months after giving birth to Andy.

"Dad. Are we going to be seeing uncle Nordan?" Andy asks her father.

"Yes, Sorry hun." Tommy says.

"Is it because you don't want to see Andrew?" Andres asks teasing her.

"Mama." Ashton says playing with her toys in her baby seat. "Mom Ashton just said her first word." Lacey my 13 year old says.

"Poop." Tommy Jr, whose 5 says laughing pointing out the window.

"Daddy." Astrid says in her baby seat. "She said Daddy first." Tommy says smiling.

"Who said dad or mom first?" Andy asks. "Andy said dad, Andrew said mom and Lacey said mama, Junior over here said poop first." Tommy says looking at his kids through the rearview mirror.

"Mom are we adopting the Anderson boys?" Andy asks. My eyes widen, she wasn't supposed to know.

"What?" I ask.

"I heard the lady's talking about the adoption, I was hoping it was us, and not someone else." Andres says.

"We're trying guys, it's a long process. We're going to foster them, and then see how it goes." Tommy says and give a little squeezes to my thigh. I smile, he still does the same affection he's done since before we made us official.

"Mama please get the Anderson boys." Junior pleads. "What is they get taken away and we never see them?" Lily asks.

"Baby, I'm doing everything in my power to have them. I want them to be a part of us just as much as you want." I say. "Guys please enjoy your time with Mama, make her smile. No tears or sad faces." I add. They nod their heads. We pull up to Mamas home and we get off and knock on the door. She welcomes us with warm hugs and kisses. She baked cookies for us, she made the kids favorite dish too, which made me smile. I feel Tommy wrap his arms around me. I peck his lips.

"Thank you for giving me a beautiful family." I say smiling at him. He places his hand on my check and pulls me into another kiss. Once we pull away he says. "Thank you baby, you gifted me with beautiful, brilliant and kind kids. Now we just need to fight for our Anderson boys." He says smiling. I nod my head giving him a smile.

Hope you enjoy!
Updated: June 15, 2018

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