Oh no.|| Nick Johnson

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"Excuse me miss." Someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and see a young good looking guy around my age.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I'm sorry to say but you're stained." Once those words left his mouth my eyes widen.

"Oh no." I say softly.

"You can borrow my sweater to cover yourself." He says.

"Thank you very much." I say. "What's your name?" I ask him.

"My names Nick, Nick Johnson." He extends his arm and we shake hands.

"I think I should probably get going." I say.

"Wait what's your name?" He asks.

"The names Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." I say. "Can I have your number so I can return your sweater." I ask him. He nods his head and we exchange numbers.

"Thank you." I say softly as I walk away.

To Nick:
Thank you for the sweater Nick. -Y/n

From Nick:
You're welcome Y/n

To Nick:
You're honestly my life saver.

From Nick:
Thank you, hope I get my sweater back 😉

To Nick:
I'll even wash it for you.

From Nick:
Thank you. Are you glad I told you that you were stained?

To Nick:
Yes but I was totally embarrassed 😩.

From Nick:
No need to be Babe, its

To Nick:
I wasn't mostly embarrassed cause a total babe told me I was stained.

From Nick:
Ohh so I'm a total babe? 😉

To Nick:
Yes. ☺️

From Nick:
You want to know something?

To Nick:
Yeah sure.

From Nick:
You're also a total babe. May I say you're a total baddie.

To Nick:
Thank you. ☺️☺️ I'm still embarrassed.

From Nick:
There's no reason to be.

To Nick:
Thank you Nick.

From Nick:
No problem. I was kind a glad I told you since you're such a babe.

To Nick:
And you're such a flirt.

From Nick:
Only for you.

To Nick:
Are you sure? 😛

From Nick:
I'm sure.

To Nick:
Well alright. When do you want to meet up so I can return you your sweater.

From Nick:
Whenever you can. I'm free next Tuesday.

To Nick:
I can't on Tuesday, I'm busy.

From Nick;
I'm free Thursday night. Are you?

To Nick:
I am too. Where do you want to meet up?

From Nick:
Where I meet you and told you that you were stained.

To Nick:
Ooh where we meet.

I'm here sitting in a caffe by where Nick and first meet. When he told me I was stain and he gave me his sweater. Im nervously waiting for Nick.

"Hey." I feel someone lightly whisper. I turn around and see Nick.

"Hey." I whisper.

"How you've been?" He asks whispering.

"I've been good and you?" I say in a low tone.

"I've been good. Why are we whispering?" He asks. I shrug causing him to laugh. He takes a seat.

"Here's your sweater it's washes and everything." I say placing the sweater on the table. "Honestly thank you thank you thank you." I say moving it over to him. "You honestly saved my life." I say.

"No problem Y/n, I got to meet you because of this." He says making me smile.

"So shall we order now?" I ask looking down at the menu.

"We shall." He says smiling.


Updated: March 31, 2017

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