She's 16|| Apex

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"Guys so today I am meeting up with some people and I'm taking you guys with me." I says.

"He's surprisingly doing a vlog." Adapt says.

"We should start heading out Roman and Rowan are probably already waiting." Blaziken says.

Your p.o.v.

"I'm heading to bed." I tell my brother Roman.

"Alright I'm take a shit." I just nod my head and start getting ready for bed.

From Rowan:
Hey I left the key I'm go up and get it. Open the door for me.

To Rowan:

I heard someone knock on the door I quickly make my way towards the door, I'm assuming it's Rowan. I open and reveal some of the Faze clan members. I see Rain, Balziken, Apex, Adapt and Nikan.

"I think we have the wrong room." Apex says.

"Who are you guy-" "-Y/n who's at he door?" Roman asks.

"Roman and Rowan." Adapt says.

"Roman it's for you." I say. "You guys can come in I guess." I say opening the door.

"Por qué no me dijiste que íbamos a tener invitados?" I ask in Spanish.

"It slipped." He says.

"My fist is going to slip." I say.

"Y/n. Open up." I hear Rowan knock. I make my way towards the door and open to see my brother and his friend Matt.

"Y/n, you look cute." Matt winks.

"Gross Matt." I roll my eyes.

"You've been testing me all this time." He says.

"Have not. I don't even like you." I roll my eyes.

"Rain, Apex, Blaziken, Adapt, Nikan." Rowan greets. I look down at myself and notice I'm in a long shirt and booty shorts but since my shirt is long it looks like I have nothing underneath. I quickly grab some basketball shorts and head to the bathroom. I put my hair up in a bun.

"So this is our little sister." Roman and Rowan say once I come out of the bathroom. I smile and wave.

"I'm younger by minutes." I roll my eyes.

"Still, you're the baby." Roman pinches my cheeks, I swatted his hand away and roll my eyes.

"You roll your eyes a lot Y/n, soon your eyes will roll away from you." Matt says.

"Great so I won't have to see you're ugly ass." I roll my eyes.

"Ha she loves me." He says annoyingly. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah sure lets go with that." Rowan says.

"So are you boys ready to head out?" Roman asks.

"Yeah." Adapt says.

"You sure you don't want to come along?" Rowan asks.

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