4 ~ class 1

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A/N: in this chapter there is a lot of information, just to give you a idea of a normal school day. Some is important for the story and some isn't. I'll leave small A/N in the story so you know when you can skip the information and when it's important. Just to make your life simpler. But if you read the full chapter... Please don't kill me :(

Hermione woke up and you were already dressed. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You had some bags but it wasn't to bad you did your hair.

'Good morning!' You said.

'Hi.' Hermione mumbled.

You smiled and walked downstairs. You sat down on the couch and jawned.

'Good morning Y/N!'

You looked up. It was Harry. You smiled at him.

'Good morning.'

'Have you checked the schedule yet?'

'O muggles... I forgot.'

You got up and rushed upstairs towards your room. Hermione was dressed in robes and was busy with her fluffy hair. You checked the schedule.

Defence against the dark arts
History of magic

Flying class
herbs and fungi

Flying lessons
History of magic

Defence against the dark arts
Herbs and Fungi

Defence against dark magic
Flying lessons

That looked like a great schedule! You grabbed your potion books and your defence against dark magic books. You could easily get the rest in between the lessons.

You walked downstairs and saw Hermione, Ron and Harry waiting for you.

'Let's go.' Harry said while walking out of the door.

You followed your friends towards you potion classroom.

You sat down at a random seat. Ron sat down next to one of his brothers and Hermione sat down next to Harry... so ypu were all alone... again. You saw first year Slytherins walk in.

'Do you mind?'

You looked up and saw Deaco.

'No, not at all... as usually.'

Draco laughed when he thought about yesterday when he asked to same at the boats. You sat down next to you.

'Hello students. My name is Serverus Snape, I am your Potions teachter.'

His voice was so slow and boring. It was going to be hard to pay attention in this lesson.

'First of all I will divide you into pairs. If I call your name you sit down next to the person I call out next. Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinsons.'

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