24 ~ chicken

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A/N: time skip because not much happened during your summer break so yeah...


You got out of the train and looked around trying to find your friends. You sighed... you shouldn't have walked off without them. You were so busy looking around that you bumped into someone. You looked up and saw Draco. His eye had a blue edge around it.

'Draco... what happened to you?! Are you okay?' You immediately asked while getting up.

'I'm fine... don't worry about it.' He just said.


'Stop Y/N... I'm fine just continue walking. Please I told you that I couldn't speak to you any more.' He sighed before turning around and walking away.

Something happened? His dad hit him, didn't he? You felt so bad... you cared about him.

'Y/N! There you are, come on we have to go!' Hermione smiled while grabbing your wrist.

You looked at her.

'What's up?' She asked a bit worried.

'I-I just bumped into Draco... He had a black eye...'

'A black eye?! You don't think that...'

You sighed.

'I can't help him... He said I shouldn't talk to him. I feel so bad... as if it's my fault.' You said while you followed Hermione.

'It's not your fault. He chose to safe you. He knew what could happen. He was willing to take the risk.' Hermione tried to help you.

'There you guys are! We've been looking for you.' Ron smiled.

A blush crossed Hermiones cheeks and she gave him a small smile back. The feelings hadn't disappeared. That was something good. They belonged together 

'Harry, can talk to you for a moment?' You asked.

Harry looked up and nodded with red cheeks.


You all turned around and saw a red haired girl running towards you.

'Hi Ginny, we were looking for you.' Ron smiled. 'Hermione, Y/N, this is my sister Ginny.' Ron introduced her.

'Pleasure to meet you.' You smiled.

'Yes! Nice to meet you.' Hermione said with a big smile.

You started heading towards the carriage that would bring you to Hogwarts. You sat down with a sigh. You saw Draco and Gregory getting in the carriage in front of you. You looked away at the ground.

'Y/N... you'll see him a lot around here. You have to managed to handle it.' Harry said while the carriage started moving.

It was just the two of you in the carriage.

'I know... I'll try.' You sighed.

It was quiet for a moment.

'What did you want to talk about?' Harry suddenly asked.

'Yeah... It's about Ron and 'mione. I think they like each other. Hermione told me she likes Ron. You can't tell her I told you.'

'Hermione likes Ron? Ron admitted to me that he likes Hermione... This is amazing. We have to bring them together!' Harry said enthusiastically.

'Yes! That's what I wanted to say as well! How do we bring them together?' You asked.

Harry was quiet for a moment. You started thinking as well.  What could you possibly do?

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