71 ~ I didn't hex Katie Bell

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That winter you stayed at Hogwarts to keep working on the vanishing cabinet. But you and Draco also took some time for you two. You were making your way to Hogsmeade again. Brought a bag but didn't want to tell you what was inside.

'Where you wanna go?' You asked him with a smile.

'Lets go for a drink.' He smiled.

You two made your way to the three broomsticks and sat down at a table. You glanced over and Ginny and Dean.

'Since when are they a thing? I thought she was all over Harry.' You grinned.

'I have no idea and I don't really care.' Draco sighed.

You ordered some butterbeers when someone approached you. When he left Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way in. Draco was still playing with his bag.

'What's in the bag?' You asked him again.

'Nothing.' He said.

'Draco.. You can tell me anything.'

'It's not important Y/N. I'll get rid of the bag soon.'

Draco took a long sip from his butterbeer. He was already almost done. You had been there for a few minutes.. it was like he's in a hurry.

'We have all day Draco.' You said while laying your hand on his.

Draco pulled his hand back.

'Your hands are cold.'

That was true. It was snowing outside. You looked at the table and let your hands rest infront of you. Draco the grabbed your hands and folded his warm hands around them. You looked up and blushed. Draco kissed the top of your hand before letting them go again.

You grabbed your drink and took a sip. When you looked back Draco got up with his bag. He finished his drink already.

'I'll be right back.' He said before walking off.

You sighed and took another sip of your drink. You wondered what Draco was doing. You didn't want to worry about it too much. You glanced at the table with the Gryffindors. It looked like they were talking about Ginny who was snogging Dean in the booth in front of them. Hermione clearly had a lot to drink already.

'Come on beautiful.'

You looked up and saw Draco. He was offering you his hand.

'But I still have-'

'It's okay. I'll pay and we can go.'

You sighed and grabbed his hand. You noticed that his bag was gone.


'Hold up.' Draco smiled before paying.

He grabbed your hand and took you outside. You shivered when you felt the cold wind blow past you. Draco wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer.

'Want to go back?' He asked you.

'Yeah.. it's too cold for me.'

Draco grinned and you started heading back to the castle.

'Where's your bag?' You asked him.

'I didn't need it anymore. Threw it away.'

You didn't want to keep asking. He was being mysterious.. but you didn't want to force him to tell you.

Later that day you were heading to the common room. You just heard something which you had to share with Draco and the rest. You walked in and saw Draco talking to the girls.

'Guys.. did you hear? Katie Bell got cursed.'  You said while sitting down.

'Cursed? How?' Willow asked.

'She had a cursed necklace with her. The trio suspects you.' You said while looking at Draco.


'Yes! It's because of that stupid bag!' You sighed. 'Please tell me you didn't curse Katie Bell.'

'I didn't.' He immediately said.

'Good.' You sighed. 'Why would someone want to curse her? What's wrong with this school.'

'The person must have a reason.' Draco mumbled.

Everyone looked up him, clearly wondering what he was talking about.

'I mean.. No one is going to curse someone on purpose.'

'But Katie Bell never did anything to anyone.' Amneris said.

'What could she have possibly done wrong?' Willow wondered.

Draco didn't answer and got up.

'Where are you going?' You asked him.

'I don't want to waste my time talking about some girl we hardly know. People get cursed all the time.'

'Draco you seem irritated..' You said. 'Want to talk about it?'

'No.' He just said before walking away.

You sighed and got up. You hurried after him, not knowing what he'd say this time.

'Draco!' You yelled after him but he wouldn't stop.

You started running so you'd catch up with him. You grabbed his wrist and he turned around. He looked annoyed, even a little angry. His face didn't change when he saw you.

'Let me go.' He hissed.


'Let me go!' He almost yelled while pulling his arm back.

He fixed his sleeve. You didn't say anything and just looked at him.

'What?' You asked annoyed.

'If you're going to be like this to me then you can sleep in your own bed tonight.' You said while turning around and walking away.

You headed back to the common room and immediately made your way to your room.

'Guys.. am I the only one who's noticing that Draco and Y/N have been fighting more often lately?' Amneris asked after you were upstairs.

'Who cares? Draco fights with everyone.' Jacinda sighed.

'They're both under a lot of pressure.. It gives them stress and that leads to arguments.' Willow said.

'I wish we could help them.. Y/N has been feeling down lately.. I don't know how bothered Draco is by it.' Amneris sighed.

'It looks like Draco is the problem.' Jacinda pointed out. 'He keeps starting it.'

'I think they both have issues which need to be resolved to make this all stop. Isn't good for either of them. I bet Draco is grumpy just because they fight all the time.. I hope they don't break up.' Amneris spoke.

The door of the common room opened and Draco walked in. His hands were in his pocket. He let out a long sigh before talking.

'Have you guys seen Y/N?' He asked, clearly not willing to confront you.

'I don't think you should talk to her when you're still angry.' Willow told him.

'I should talk to her.' Draco responded.

'She's upstairs.' Jacinda said. 'Are you going to tell her the same story again? I know she's naive but she won't believe it again.'

'What story?' Draco asked.

'Ooh Y/N! I just want to protect you, because I love you! Y/N please don't be mad at me! I did it for you!' Jacinda imitated him. 'Just tell her you hexed Katie Bell.' Jacinda sighed.

'I didn't hex Katie Bell.' Draco hissed.

Draco sat down on the couch and stated at the girlsdorm. He was really doubting whether or not he should go. He laid his head back.. maybe he should talk to you right now..

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