53 ~ Harry!

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Quick apology before this chapter begins. There's going to be some time skips. Not some, quite a lot. I normally don't do that but I just want to move a bit faster. This is already chpater 53 and I'm in year four so I'm going to speed it up a bit.


Draco was sent away from the hospital wing because he was only stressing madam Pomfrey out. He had no idea whether or not your were alive. He just went for a walk to clear his mind.


He turned around and saw Harry running towards him.

'Go away, Potter.' He hissed.

'How is she? Is she alive?' Harry asked.

'I don't know! Piss off dude.'

Draco wanted to walk away, but Harry wouldn't let him.

'Come on. We both care about her. Don't be like this.'

'Don't be like this?! This is your fault! She went into the water filled with merpeople, to save your ass! She almost died, because of you! So don't tell me that I shouldn't be like this, Potter.'

He pushed Harry away and stormed off. Harry sighed and shook his head. It wasn't his fault... was it? It was your choice to try and help him.


After a day filled with emotional torture for Draco he walked back towards the hospital wing. He hadn't heard anything all day. Maybe he didn't want to. But the moment was there for him to find out. He stepped inside and madam Pomfrey walked towards him. He didn't ask anything but waited for madam Pomfrey to speak.

'She's alright. She needs to rest, else I'm afraid she won't survive the last task. She was lucky.'

'Thank you so much.'

He walked into the Hospital wing and looked around for you. When he saw you he ran over to you and grabbed a stool. He sat down besides your bed and grabbed your hand. You opened your eyes slowly and looked at Draco.

'Hi..' You said with a slightly weak voice.

'Hi.. I'm so happy you're alive.'

You smiled weakly and squeezed his hand slightly.

'That was quite scary.. madam Pomfrey says that I have to rest. Else I won't survive the final task.'

'I heard.. I'm happy you're okay. The task isn't that far away. We'll make sure that you'll be Okay.'


You sighed and stated at the quidditch pitch. There was a huge maze on it. You sighed and looked at Harry. He was standing besides you.

'I can't do this.' You sighed.

'You can Y/N. It'll be fine! I promise.'

Dumbledore walked into the field.

'Earlier today professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup, deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now as mister Diggery-'

A lot of people started cheering and screaming through Dumbledore. You looked at the field. Cedric stepped forwards with his father.

'And mister Potter-'

You smiled at him and Harry also got forwards. You applauded.

'Tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by miss Y/L-'

You came forwards and there was cheering.

'And mister Krum and miss DeLacour.'

More cheering was heard.

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