10 ~ together

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You woke up. It was Saterday 10 am, you sat up and looked outside. Everything was covered in snow, the lake was frozen and the trees had no leaves left. It was two weeks before the holiday.

You got up with a smile and put on some warm clothes. You did your hair and grabbed your coat, scarf and woolen head again. You walked downstairs. A lot of people were sleeping.

You walked through the corridor towards the lake. While walking you had some time to think.

You still didn't make up with Hermione, Harry or Ron. You just spend your days with Draco or alone. Not that you mind. You loved spending time with Draco and when you were alone... you weren't really alone. A lot of students would ask you questions or hang out with you.

Still you hadn't told anyone about your crush. You didn't really had anyone to share it with. You couldn't share it with Draco, of course because he was your crush, and Harry, Ron and Hermione kept secrets for you... plus you were in a fight.

You stept outside and felt the snow under your shoes. You loved the sound of the snow pressing together. You continued walking.

You ectually wish that you never stood up for Draco. He did give you a hug for it, but now your other friends hate you. You shouldn't have interfered.

You made it to the lake. There were a lot of snowmans build all around the lake. They were waring scarfs from different houses. You looked at the lake. You sat down in the snow. Your coat was really long so it didn't really matter...

'Hi Y/N, you are early today.'

You saw Draco and smiled. He was wearing a Slytherin scarf and and a long coat.

'Yeah... didn't really have anyone to wait for in the common room.'

He sat down next to you.

'Still in that fight?'

You nodded.


'Draco, you didn't do anything. You are the last person that has to apologise to me.'

It was quite for a few second.

'You know, I never expected you to be here.'


'Here... out in the snow.'

'Out in the snow? Why not?'

'I don't know... I thought you were a sun kind off girl.'

You laughed.

'I love the snow, my family loves the snow, my Muggle friends love the snow...'

You really missed your friends. Life wasn't difficult there. You didn't know you were special, you had no worries, no nightmares.

'You miss them don't you?' He said. It was as if he could read your mind.

'Life wasn't that complicated with them... I wasn't "the famous witch"... I didn't have any friends with a past... no hate in our school. No one was bullied, or judge because of their past or parents. Hogwarts is great and I'm still amazed that I'm at this school, but it's so different and complicated.'

He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you a bit closer.

'It's okay to miss your friends and family. But also think about what you have here.'

'I do... and I appreciate all of it.'

He smiled. After s short moment of silence he got up. He held something in his left hand.

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