8 ~ library struggles

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A few weeks later you and Draco were walking through the corridor talking. The last weeks you almost forgot about your other friends. You had so much fun with the Slytherin.

Now you and Draco were on your way towards the field where the fly lessons took place.

'So, let's do this.' He said when you arrived.

You grabbed a broom and flew up. Draco followed you. He flew next to you. The wind blew through your long hair. You enjoyed flying so much.

Draco started flying next to you. He saw how to wind made your beautiful long hair blow to the back. You face of joy gave him a warm feeling. Since he sat down next to you on the boats he had a crush on you.

'Enjoying it?!' He asked.


You flew around Hogwarts.

'Let's do a race, one lap around Hogwarts!' He challenged you.

'Sure! 3... 2... 1!'

You started flying as fast as possible. Deaco quickly catched up with you. He flew past you around the high towers. You wanted to cut him off by flying past the inside of a tower, but you made the turn to quickly and fell off your broom. When Draco heard you scream, he stopped and saw you falling. He went down full speed and when he was close he grabbed your hand.

'Hold on! I'll try to get you up!'

Draco grabbed your wrist and tried to pull you up. You tried to climb on the Broom. 

'Y/N! Do you trust me?'

'I don't know... yes!'

Draco started flying up. If his plan failed you would break everything. He was willing to take the risk. He let you go and starten flying under you catching you on his broom. He stopped and you sat up straight. You put your arms around Draco. You had never been more scared in your life. It gave him a warm feeling.

'Thank you..'

He slowly started to lower until his feet touched the ground. You got of the broom and sat down on the ground.

'Are you okay?' Draco asked.


He helped you up and walked with you towards the common room.

'It was fun, except for the part where I fell..'

Draco smiled at you. You could look at his smile for hours.

'I'll see you later.' Draco said.

You looked into his eyes. You got butterflies in your stomach.

'Yes, bye.' You said while biting your lip.

Ow no... I have a crush on Draco Malfoy...

You walked into the common room. You saw Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting on the couch in front of you. As soon as they faced you, you saw the angry expressions on their faces.

'Do we exist for you?!' Hermione almost shouted while getting up and crossing her arms.


You wondered what she was talking about. You talk to her every day. You sit together in most classes...

'Well where were you today?' Harry asked.

'I was to the field flying brooms with Draco.'

Harry raised his eyebrows while looking at you. You coughed uncomfortable.

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