19 ~ damn it Ron...

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'Harry come on! Tell us what's going on!' I shouted while running towards the raven haird boy.

He was sitting at the edge of the lake playing with the grass. He let out a sigh as soon as me and Ron sat down next to him.

'What's up?' Ron asked.

'It's nothing guys... just leave me alone.' He mumbled before throwing some grass away.

'You can trust us, we're your friends.' I tried.

Harry sighed again and looked at me.

'I don't know if I can trust you with this one. I mean... it's about Y/N..'

'About Y/N? You can tell us. We won't tell her. Promise.' Ron said without thinking about it.


'Yeah... promise.'

Harry sighed.

'I think I sort off have a crush on Y/N.' Harry said shyly.

I looked at him with big eyes. Harry has a crush on Y/N?! No way... so many questions popped up. For how long? Why? When was he planning on actually telling someone?

'Holly crickets...' I just said.

'Since when?' Ron asked.

Harry looked at him.

'Half a year? Maybe longer... I guess longer... I already liked her when I first met her I think. That's why I'm so annoyed by her talking about Malfoy... He asked her before I got the chance to. Now I barley see her because she's at that secret spot all the time, or she just hangs out with Malfoy and his annoying little friends.'

It was hard to see Harry like this. I could see that he really liked her.

'Maybe you can see her more often if you accept Malfoy a little more. She would be more pleased with that kind of behaviour right now.' I implied.

Harry looked at me.

'I can't! He brings her into trouble! She's a good student, she doesn't get herself into trouble. He has a bad influence her! How can I ignore that?!'

'Calm down Harry... I'm only trying to help you here.' I sighed.

Harry didn't know what to do with himself. I could see that. Draco was his enemy. It could become hard for him to except this fact. But he had to in order to keep Y/N.

'I know... I'm sorry. I just hate that guy so much.'

Ron sighed.

'You became enemies because he insulted me. But I can accept him. And you know why Harry?'

Harry shook his head and stared at Ron.

'Because Draco makes Y/N very happy. Isn't that the most important part?'

Did Ron just really say that? He just made that up with that brain of his? Harry was quiet for a moment. Ron saw that I was staring at him. We made eye contact and I quickly looked away when he gave me a small smile. Damn it Ron...

'Maybe your right... If she's happy. Gosh I'm so selfish.' He said while rubbing his brows.

'You're anything but selfish... love does weird things to people.' I said while glancing at Ron for a split second while saying it.

What the hell is wrong with me? Gosh...

'You're right... you're completely right! I have to apologise to her!' He said while getting up and running away, leaving me together with Ron.

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