86 ~ enemy

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Okay so I should have warned you guys before but after this chapter there are only like 2 or 3 chapters left until the end. This book us already very long so I'm not doing a 7th year re-do and I'm just...

This is the first book I wrote on my account.. It's the book that got the first few of you all coming to my account. I know it isnt the best book in the beginning but it shows you all how I have improved the past 2 years. I'm so thankful that you're all still here.

This book was there from day one and that makes it more difficult to continue. But I do want to end it. It finally deserves a good ending.

Enjoy this chapter.


'So what do you think we have to do now?!' You asked Draco while he took you with him.

'Screw this. We're not doing anything, we're just surviving.'

You stopped him. Draco looked at you.

'There is no surviving here. The only way we survive is if we-'

'Don't say it.' He said. 'You know we don't have that choice.'

'You're wrong. I don't have that choice. You're not his son. You have a choice.'

Draco didn't quite understand what you meant.

'You have to chose their side Draco. You're good. You deserve to show that.'

'Your dad will kill me.' He said right away.

'I'll make sure he doesn't. Draco you can't live like this.'

'You can't either! Can't we just.. run away?'

'We can't. We can't do that Draco. We can't-'

'Here you are.'

You turned around and looked straight at your dad. You stepped back a little but kept looking at him.

'Y-Yes.. My Lord.' You said.

'Is there a problem?' He asked.

'No.. No of course not. We were just looking for Harry.' You said.

Draco grabbed your hand and you held it behind your back. You were afraid he heard what you said. Voldemort said he'd kill traitors.

'Alright. Good to see you're alive.'

'Did you expect me to die?' You asked.

'That's not what I'm saying.' He said. 'I'm glad my daughter is okay.'

Draco stepped a little closer to you.

'I'm glad I'm okay too. I almost died just a second ago.' You said.

'Keep fighting. I'll find the boy in no time.' He said.

He walked past you two. You watched him leave. Draco wrapped an arm around you.

'Can't we hide? Like the others?' You asked Draco.

Draco sighed and shook his head.


The battle seemed the take ages. You were fighting people you didn't want to fight. But you had to to survive. You managed to get through it without killing anyone. But you saw the corpses around you.

You lost sight of Draco long ago. It scared you. He could be dead. He could also be alive. You hoped for the last part.

But something weird happened. At least, it was weird to you. Your father called back his troops. Before you knew it you were following them into the forest. You had no idea what was going to happen.

You arrived there in an open space in the forest. You saw your father talking to Bellatrix. You looked around and watched more people come in. You were hoping you'd see Draco.

When he appeared you were relieved. You saw him looking around too. He then looked at you and immediately ran towards you. You hugged him right away and held him rightly.

Your father turned around and watched you two. He saw you holding on to him as if you were going to lose him.

'I was so worried about you.' You choked.

You weren't going to allow yourself to cry. Not infront of your dad.

'As soon as I noticed you were gone I looked everywhere for you.' He said.

He took a tiny step back and cupped your face. He kissed you passionately. You kissed him back right away. He didn't make it last very long. He smiled at you as soon as he pulled back.

'Do you know why we're here?' You asked.

'No.' He said. 'But anything is better then being in mid battle.'

'Agreed.' You smiled.

Draco let you go. He then looked around.

'Where are my parents?' He asked.

'I don't know. Maybe they were a little further away? I'm sure they're okay.'

'I hope so.' He sighed.

Your father walked over to you two again.

'Where are your friends?' He asked you.

'I don't know, my Lord.' You lied. 'They said they were off to try and find Harry but I haven't seen them since.'

'How about you, Draco?'

'I have no idea, My Lord.' He said.

He looked at you but seemed to believe you.

'It doesn't matter for now. I just wanted to see who I had left. I don't need you two here right now. You can leave.'

'What? You're sending us back towards the people who want to kill us?' You asked.

'They're all taking care of their wounded. If you guys are smart you let me deal with Harry and I'll see you afterwards.'

'I haven't even seen my parents. How do I know if they're okay?'

'They're okay. I've seen them.' Voldemort said.

You grabbed Draco's hand .

'Come on. He doesn't want us here. We better go.'

Draco looked at you. He didn't say anything and just started walking.

'This is stupid.' He sighed. ' What are we supposed to do?' He asked.

'I'm not sure..' You said. 'Lets just go back and then see what happens.'

You walked back towards the castle. It was an absolute mess. You almost couldn't look at it. So many broken walls and windows.. parts of the castle completely collapsed..

'I hope the others are okay..' You sighed.

'I'm sure they are.' Draco said. 'They're hiding.'

'What if someone found them? What if something collapsed onto them?'

'They're smart and in a group. Don't worry too much.'

You  stopped for a moment. Draco noticed it and turned to you.

'What's up?' He asked.

'We can't just walk into the castle. We have to go somewhere else.'

'Where do you want to go?'

You looked around. You had no idea but you couldn't go looking for trouble. 

'I don't know but we can't walk right up to the enemy!'

'Enemy?! I thought you didn't see them as the enemy?'

'They see us as the enemy.'

'So is that why we see them as the enemy?'

'Maybe? I don't know how that works! God Draco, please just come with me.'

You reached out to him. Draco grabbed your hand and you both started looking for a new place to go.

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