66 ~ irresponsible

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It was time to go back to Hogwarts. You held Draco's hand while walking towards the train. It was crowded at the station.

'Cheer up Draco.. you've been depressed all week.' You said.

'Yeah because I'm soooo happy to back.' Draco sighed.

'That doesn't mean you have to take it out on me.' You sighed.

Draco stopped and looked at you.

'Take it out on you?' He asked you.

'You haven't kissed me in four days. I haven't even seen you that much the past few days.'

Draco sighed and looked at you.

'Listen.. I'm sorry.. I just.. I'm just worried. That's it. I've been trying to prepare and I guess I didn't really pay attention to anything else.'

You just hugged him. Draco hugged you back. You looked up. Draco pressed his lips against yours and you kissed him back.

'All I needed.' You smiled after he pulled back.

A small smile crossed Draco's face. But it didn't last long. You just grabbed his hand and walked with him into the train. You walked towards the prefect's compartment and sat down at a table. Draco wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against him. You laid your head against him and pressed your lips against his neck shortly.

'At least I got you.' He sighed.

'We're in this together.' You smiled.

You grabbed Draco's hand and kissed the top of it.

'What's up?'

You looked up and saw Amneris, Willow and Jacinda.

'Not much. It's been ages. Why didn't you come to the Malfoy manor?' You asked him.

The three sat down with you two.

'Mum and dad were preparing their own things at home. Don't know why.' Willow said.

'Parents wanted some family time.' Amneris followed.

'Didn't feel like coming.' Jacinda answered.

'You didn't- never mind.' Draco sighed.

'What's up with him?' Amneris asked.

'Dray is a little grumpy.' You said before kissing his cheek.

Draco wasn't even paying attention anymore. He was staring out of the window. His face emotionless. His hand resting on the table. You moved your hand over to his hand laid it on top of his.

Draco looked at it and then at you. He grabbed your hand and held it before looking back outside. Be rubbed his thumb past the side of your hand.

'I love you.' You said.

Draco looked at you.

'Don't forget that.'

He smiled shortly.

'I'll never forget that.'

'Yeah we get it. You two are together.' Jacinda sighed.

'Dray needs a bit of love.' You just said.

'Dray needs a vacation.' Draco sighed.

'Already? You just had one.' Willow laughed.

Draco didn't answer.

'Hi! Mind if we sit here?'

You looked up and saw Gregory, Vincent and Pansy.

'But full.. take the table besides us.' You smiled.

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