35 ~ Hagrid?!

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Hi guys! First of: Thank you! After this chapter I have 40K reads! Unbelievable!

Also this is chapter 35 and second year... this story is going to take a loooong time xD I hope you guys don't mind!



A few weeks later there was chaos in the castle. More and more muggle-born students got paralyzed.

'We have to find out what's going on.' You sighed.

'Yeah, I still think you should read the diary.'

You looked at them in confusion and all three tried to avoid eye contact.

'You've been up to things without me, haven't you?!' You asked slightly offended.

'Yeah... but you were busy!'

'With what?!'


Neville was one of your better friends now, not your best friend but you enjoyed his company.

'Well, at least tell me what you found out!'

'Okay... Malfoy isn't the Slytherin heir and I found a diary. Tom Riddle is the owner. I haven't read it.' Harry explained.

'How did you find out that Malfoy isn't the heir?' You asked.

'Poli juice potion.' Hermione explained.

'Went really well for Hermione.' Ron laughed. 'She changed into a cat.'

Hermione hit Ron and shot red of embarrassment.

'That's not funny Ronald.' She spoke. 'But Harry is going to read the diary tonight, aren't you Harry?' She asked.

'Do I have to?' He asked.

You all nodded.

'Okay... then I will.'



You all looked up and saw Harry. Hermione got up for the couch.

'Have you read it?' She asked.

'I need to talk to you guys...'

'Great, we need to walk to flying class anyways.' You spoke.

You walked out of the common room.

'Okay, so the diary was completely empty. So I decided to write something. I wrote: hello my name is Harry Potter. When I was done my ink vanished and I got an answer!'

'What was it?' Ron asked.

'Hello Harry Potter, my name is Tom Riddle. Then I asked him if he knew anything about the chamber of secrets. He said yes and then I asked him if he could tell me but he said he couldn't. Then he said shortly after that, but I can show you. The pages flew back and I saw that Hagrid opened the chamber a few years ago. He let something loose in the castle. A spider or something!'

You walked outside and sighed. 

'But how do we know it true?' Ron asked.

'It's wasn't Hagrid! It can't be!" Hermione spoke in disbelieve.

'We don't even know this Tom Riddle. He sounds like a dirty rotting snitch to me.' Ron sighed.

'The monster had killed somebody Ron! What would any of us had done.' Harry responded.

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