69 ~ DE-stuff

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Day past slowly. Draco didn't seen to be doing much better. He was constantly thinking. Thought were roaming around in his head. He was constantly trying to come up with an idea to kill Dumbledore. Not that he wasn't allowed to but it was taking all his energy and concentration.

'Draco?' You said while moving your hand infront of his eyes.

Draco blinked and looked at you.

'Food.' You just said.

Draco looked at his plate and started eating without saying anything.

'You were far away.' Jacinda said.

'Yeah, what's up Draci (meant to be Draci btw)?' Amneris asked.

He shot her a looked and continued eating.

'Dray is a little tired.' You said.

'I'm fine.' He scoffed.

'Draco, we talked about this-'

He interrupted you with a sigh and you just rolled your eyes and continued eating. The three other girls looked at you two. You shook your head when Willow opened her mouth to say something.

You looked at Draco and kissed him cheek shortly. Draco looked at you, a smile appearing on his face. He grabbed your chin and kissed you. You kissed him back and smiled.

'Not so grumpy.' You grinned. 'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

'Duh, I'm fabulous.' You joke to make Draco laugh.

He grinned and shook his head a little.

'What? It isn't true?' You asked him.

'Of course it is.' He immediately said.

You laid your hand on his upper arm and laughed.

'I was only joking.'

You turned back to your food and took a bite.


'Ah.. Harry, My boy, I was beginning to worry!brought someone with you I see.'

You looked up from the floor. You were completely gone for a second. Draco grinned when he saw your confused face.

'Ron Weasley, sir.'

You glanced at Lavender. As soon as Ron was near she changed into a bigger freak then Pansy.

'But I'm terrible at potions... so I'm probably just gonna-'

Harry blocked Rons path to the door and turned him around.

'Nonsense! We'll taught you out, ever friend of Harry is a friend of mine. Get your books out.'

Slughorn started turning back around.

'Uhm sir.. I actually don't have my book yet and nor does Ron.' Harry said.

'Not to worry, go get yourself one from the cupboard. Now, as I was saying I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?'

Hermione immediately raised her hand. No one was surprise. She always knew the answers.

'Yes.. miss...'

'Granger, sir.' She said.

She stepped forwards and looked at the potions, examining them so make sure she have the right answer.

'That one there.. is Veritaserum. It's a truth telling serum.' She said while pointing at one of the potions.

'And that one.. is-'

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