36 ~ follow the spiders

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Hagrid opened the door.

'Professor Dumbledore Sir.' He said.

'Good evening Hagrid. I wonder... could we?' You heard Dumbledore asked. 

'Of course!'

Hagrid stepped aside and Dumbledore walked in with another man.

'That's dad's boss.' Ron spoke. 'Cornelius Fudge. The minister of magic.' He whispered.

He stopped a few steps in front of you.

'Bad business Hagrid... very bad business. Had to come to three attacks on muggle-borns, things have gone far enough, the ministry has got to act!' Cornelius spoke.

'But I'd never... you know I'd never professor!' Hagrid tried.

'I want it understood Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence.'

You looked at the scene.  Was something going to happen to Hagrid?

'Albus look... Hagrids record is against him I've got to take him...' Cornelius spoke.

'Take me? Take me where?! Not azkaban prison!'

You looked at Ron and Harry and swallowed. Hagrid was innocent! They couldn't do this!

'I'm afraid we have no choice Hagrid.'

Then the door slightly opened. Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth trying to block any sound. Lucius Malfoy! If he'd see you... you'd be dead! You stared at him terrified and Harry and Ron looked at the door.

'Already here Fudge? Good.' He spoke before entering.

You swallowed and your breath became heavier. Luckily your had your mouth covered.

'What are ye doin' here? Get out of my house!' Hagrid hissed at Lucius.

'Believe me...'

Lucius started walking and you and the boys stepped back as far as you could.

'I have absolutely no pleasure for being inside...'

He stopped right in front of you. Ron grabbed your wrist to comfort you and you looked at him.

'You call this a house?' He asked.

Then he turned around.

'Now... I was simply told by the school that the Headmaster was here.' Lucius spoke and he stepped forwards a bit.

Ron let you go.

'And what is it exactly what you want with me?' Dumbledore asked.

'The other governors and I have decided it's time for you to stand aside.'

No way! He couldn't do this! It's Dumbledore!

'This is a report of suspension.'

Lucius held a piece of paper and stepped forwards.

'You'll find all 12 signatures on it.'

Dumbledore grabbed the paper.

'I'm afraid that we fell that you've rather... lost your touch. And now with all these attacks...'

Lucius turned around and walked back towards the invisibility cloak again.

'There will be no muggle-borns left at Hogwarts... I can only imagine what an awful lost that would be to the school.'

It was as if he looked you straight in the eye. You swallowed but couldn't look away.

'Ye can' take professor Dumbledore away! Take 'm away and the muggle-borns won' stand a chance! Ye mark my words! There will be killings next!'

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