70 ~ Hogsmeade

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'You guys coming or not?' Willow asked.

You looked up from your book. You had no idea what she was talking about. You must have forgotten something.

'To the quidditch team selection.' Jacinda sighed when she saw your confused face.

'No thanks.' You said.

Draco, who was sitting besides you, shook his head. The girls walked out. You closed your book and sighed. Draco wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer. He kissed the top of your head.

'Looks like we got some us time.' Draco said.

'Yeah.. what you want to do?' You asked him. 'Please don't say: check up on that thing.'

Draco laughed and shook his head.

'I want to go to Hogsmeade.' Draco said.

You smiled and nodded. You loved Hogsmeade. It was a great place to hang out, do a bit of shopping. You were allowed to travel there in weekends. You both got up and walked hand in hand out of the common room.

'Where do you want to go first?' Draco asked you.

'I'd love to get a nice warm sweater or something.. maybe we could go to Gladrags Wizardwear.'

'Sounds good.' Draco smiled.


You walked through the streets of Hogsmeade. There were a lot of wizards and witches outside. It was almost winter and you knew that it was time for you to get some new clothes.

'There it is.' Draco smiled.

You two walked inside. The shop was always very nice, but the part with all the different kind of socks was weird to you. The socks were special for the shop but you just found them odd.

'So what colour should I go for?' You asked Draco while walking past the clothes. 'I could go for green, because Slytherin.. But black matches your outfit.'

You started looking through all the sweaters. Some were weird but some were kind off nice. You decided to take those out to try on.

'Am I even allowed to wear sweaters?' You than asked him. 'Do I care if I'm allowed to?'

You didn't get and answer and just shrugged. Then you saw a beautiful sweater in Y/F/C. You grabbed it and turned around to face Draco.. But then you noticed he wasn't there. You had been talking to no one since you got in, thinking Draco was there.

You looked around the shop and saw the blonde boy in the jewellery section. He was bending over a table with necklaces. Was he buying you something? Nothing special was coming up. No birthday, Christmas was still weeks away and you already got your presents together and no anniversary..

'What are you doing?' You asked while stopping besides him.

Draco looked up.

'Nothing. Do you have what you wanted?' He immediately asked you.

'Are you sure you were doing nothing?'

'Yeah I am.'

Draco took you to the changing rooms. Draco sat down for a moment.

'Wait. Do you think this one is better or should I go for a different colour?' You asked Draco while showing him one of your sweaters.

'I like it.' Draco said.

'Okay! I'll be right back.'

You walked into the changing room and made sure no one could see you before changing. You looked at yourself before stepping out. You looked up and noticed Draco was gone.

'You have got to be shitting me.' You muttered before stepping back into the changing room. You put your clothes back on and grabbed all the sweaters you took. While you were walking out, Draco came back.

'Y/N, where are you going? Did you try them on?'

'Well I was doing that. Ready to show my wonderful boyfriend and he just decided to walk away! So now I'm done.'

You hung the sweaters where they belonged.

'Y/N I'm sorry.. I just had to buy something. Trust me, you're going to be thankful that I bought it.'

You didn't answer and just continued walking. Draco grabbed your sleeve. You turned around and pulled your arm back.

'Don't be angry.. I'm sorry.' Draco said before kissing you.

You rolled your eyes before kissing him back. Draco pulled you a little closer before pulling back.

'You didn't need a sweater anyways.. You have mine.' Draco smiled.

You sighed and shook your head, but you knew you were smiling. Draco grinned and kissed your shortly.

'Wanna get a drink?' He asked you.

You nodded and pulled him towards the three broomsticks. You walked inside and sat down at a table. You ordered some drinks and left afterwards.

When you came back into the common room, the others were already back.

'And where have you two been?' Jacinda asked.

'Hogsmeade.' You two said in unison.

'So.. did you guys make the team?' You asked while sitting down with Draco.

'I made the team!' Willow smiled. 'Jacinda.. uhm..'

'Someone here got here place in the team because she thought it was funny to push me off my broom and to not give me a chance to show what I can do.' Jacinda said while glaring at Willow.

'Well I'm just very competitive. So I'm sorry?'

'Of course you're sorry.' Jacinda scoffed.

You sighed. Of course they were fighting again. When wasn't there a fight in your friend group?

'Well congrats Willow.' Draco smiled.

'Didn't you try out?' You asked Amneris.

'I watched.' She smiled. 'It was kinda funny.'

'For you.' Jacinda sighed.

'We get it Jacinda.' You grinned.

She sat back and shook her head annoyed.

'I expected you to go Draco, seeing you love winning from Potter.'

'I do but I'm to busy this year. My father said it was okay. Luckily, imagine having to spend my time playing quidditch as well.'

You grinned and laid your head on his shoulder. Draco wrapped and arm around you.

'And you Y/N? Don't you love quidditch?'

'I do but.. same reason as Draco. I got more important things to do, to focus on. I don't have time to play games.'

'Quidditch isn't just a game. It's a way to show that you're house is better at something. House pride.' Willow smiled.

'I know.' You just said.

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