74 ~ Dumbledore

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You were sitting in the common room with The three girls. You weren't focussing on anything they were saying. Today you had to kill Dumbledore and that was the only think on your mind.

You finished the passage a few days ago. Now that Draco was strong enough to get up it had to happen.

'Y/N!' Jacinda hissed.

You looked up.

'Sorry.' You sighed. 'What did you say?'

'Our parents are coming to pick us up tonight.. do you know why?' Willow asked.

You shrugged and sighed.

'I'm going to Draco.'

'What's wrong with you today? You weren't paying attention today in class, you're not listening, you're not saying anything.'

'I just have better things to do then waste my time here.'

You got up and walked out. You were so done with everything right now. You walked up the stairs towards the hospital wing. You walked inside and saw Draco laying there. His eyes were closed.. maybe you should just go without him. Just let him lay there peacefully.

'Y/N.' He smiled at you.

You didn't know he already saw you. You approached him and sat down besides his bed. His smile grew a little wider. You leaned in to kiss him. Draco kissed you back and slowly sat up.

'Are you ready?' He asked you.

'What kind of a questions is that?' You asked him.

'I know.. I'm sorry.'

'It's fine Dray.. I'm just a little anxious.'

'You don't have to come Y/N. I already told you. I can do this alone. You don't have to stand there and do it.'

You swallowed and grabbed his hand.

'I won't let you do this alone. We're in this together.'

Draco smiled slightly and kissed you.

'Luckily I can spend the rest of my time with you. That makes everything more bearable.'

'If I would have to do this alone I wouldn't have survived.'

'You're a strong woman. I'm sure you would have survived.' He smiled. 'But we really have to go now.'

You sighed and got up. Draco slowly moved his legs and got up. You saw the pain he was in. You stoke his hair and he looked at you.

'It'll be okay.' He said.

You handed him his suit which was on a chair besides the bed. Draco slowly got up. He got rid of his pyjamas. He first tried to take off his shirt. But stretching his arms all the way up hurt him. You stopped him.

'Bend forwards with your arms like horizontally.' You said.

Draco did what you said. You grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He got up. You stared at the scars on his chest.

'I'm okay Y/N. Don't worry. The pain will fade.'

'I'm just worried about you. I was thinking about going to the tower alone.. just leaving you here.'

'I'm glad you didn't.'

Draco took off his pants and put on his dress shirt and his suit. He looked as good as always. You fixed his hair for him and Draco put on his shoes. You grabbed his hand and you both headed towards the room in requirement.

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