48 ~ the first task

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You sighed and looked around the champions tent. You nervously played with your outfit.

'Are you okay?' Harry asked.

You turned around and nodded. You walked towards the entrance and walked out of the tent. You actually were allowed but you needed some air.


You looked to your left and started running. You hugged Draco tightly after you ran into his arms.

'I don't want to do this.'

'You have to, you have no choice.' Draco spoke softly.

You looked up and pressed your lips against his.

'I'll be waiting for you. You can do this. Remember that.' Draco spoke.

You nodded.


You turned around and saw Cedric.

'Coming.' You spoke before he could say anything. 

You looked at Draco.

'I love you.' He spoke.

'I love you too.' You said before hugging him.

'You're going to be amazing. I promise Y/N.'

You kissed him one last time before you hurried inside. You saw Hermione and hugged her. A few seconds later Dumbledore walked in.

'Good day, champions.' He spoke.  'Gather around please.'

You walked towards Dumbledore.

'Now, you've waited... you've wondered. And now the moment has arrived. The moment only the five of you can appreciate.'

Dumbledore looked at Hermione. 

'What are you doing here miss Granger?'

'Oh I'm sorry... I'll just... go.' She spoke while walking away.

'The bag.' Dumbledore spoke while stepping back.

Crouch stepped forwards.

'Champions, form a circle around me.' He spoke. 'Miss Delacour over here... Mister Krum ever here and mister Potter and Miss Y/L here. Well, miss Delacour, if you will.'

He opened the bag and Fleur put her hand in. She grabbed a small dragon out. Everyone did this. Harry got the Hungarian Horntail. You swallowed as Crouch stopped in front of you. You put your hand in and felt a tiny dragon in the bottom of the bag. You took it out and opened your hand.

'The Peruvian Vipertooth.' Crouch spoke.

You looked at Dumbledore. This Dragon was the smallest but fastest dragon... known for craving human flesh.

'These dragons represent real dragons, each who's been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple... collect the egg. This you must do for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot proceed.'

He walked away. You looked at the tiny dragon and turned to Dumbledore. 

'You'll do fine, both of you.'

Then he walked away. You sat down on one of the beds. Harry sat down besides you.

'Harry... I'm not going to survive this.' You spoke. 

'Yes you will. If I have to listen to Draco, I won't.' He sighed.

A few weeks ago Draco bullied Harry by saying that he won't even last 10 minutes in a tournament. Mad-eye turned him into a white ferret afterwards. It was hilarious. A small smile crossed your face.

'You'll do fine Harry.'

Slowly everyone was called to the arena. You were the last one.

'Good luck Harry... you can do it.'

You hugged him before Harry walked off. You heard the chanting of his name in the distance. You nervously played with your outfit and swallowed. 

After what seemed to take ages it was your turn. You swallowed and slowly walked towards the stadium. When you walked onto the first rocks you heard the chanting of your name. You saw the dragon. Calm down Y/N, you told yourself. It's just a fire spitting creature of 5 meters that can kill you.

You looked at the people around you and saw Hermione and Ron.

'Go Y/N!' You heard Draco chant.

You looked up and he smiled at you. You slowly walked over the surface and hid behind a rock. You peeked over it and saw the dragon looking at you. You started running and felt the heat of the fire pass you. People gasped and you jumped behind another rock. The fire hit it.

You got up and started running again. The dragon jumped right behind you and you decided to jump down. The dragon couldn't find you. You ran through the creaks and climbed up again, a few meters away from the egg.

'Use your wand Y/N!' Hermione yelled.

You grabbed your wand and turned around. The dragon was ready to spit fire again.

'Aqua Eructo!' You yelled.

The fire of the dragon and the water from your wand collapsed and you put in all you power to make sure you'd win. The dragon tried and tried as you found support against a rock. You were tired but you had to do this. Your water came closer and closer to the dragons beak until it hit him in the face. The dragon made a nasty sound and you ran towards the egg. You grabbed it and looked at the dragon.

People applauded and cheered. You ran passed the dragon, from rock to rock. All you had to do was get back. You ran and ran, fire passing you, fatigue hitting you. You saw the end and ran inside. You didn't stop running until you knew you were safe.  You stopped and found support against the wall. You panted and tried to catch your breath.

You slowly walked back towards the tent where everyone gathered again. They applauded for you and you joined in to show them that they did amazing. You put your egg on your bed and walked towards Harry. He hugged you and you hugged him back.

'We survived.' You smiled. 'It's a miracle!'

'It is.'

Cho entered the tent and hugged Cedric. She was followed by Hermione. Fleurs sister came in too and Krum hugged his Headmaster. You stared at the door and then Hermione hugged you, pulling you out of your thoughts.  You smiled and hugged her back.

'That was amazing!'

'Y/N.' You heard.

Hermione let you go and turned around.  You ran towards Draco and hugged him.

'That was so scary.' You spoke.

'I know, you did amazing.' Draco smiled.

You looked up and kissed him. He kissed you back. You seriously thought you were going to die. It felt amazing to feel his lips on yours. He pulled back and smiled at you.

'I'll get dressed and then I'll come with you.' You smiled.

Draco nodded and walked out. You grabbed your clothes and found a private part to get dressed. Then you grabbed your egg and walked out of the tent. Draco smiled at you.

'May I?' He asked.

You nodded and handed him to the egg.

'It looks amazing.'

'I'm curious about what's inside.' You smiled. 

'Let's to the common room and find out.' Draco spoke.

You grabbed the egg and held it in one hand and with the other hand you grabbed Dracos hand. You walked towards the common room with him.

'I seriously thought that dragon was going to eat me alive.' You sighed.

'I was too... but I also knew that you were going to do amazing.' He smiled. 'Just know that I'm there for you and I fully support you.'

You blushed.

'Thank you Dray.'

'No problem.' He smiled.

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