62 ~ O.W.L.s

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You were already going back to Hogwarts. Your Christmas wasn't anything special. You spend it with Draco and he made sure you wouldn't run into your father.

Also you just spend lazy mornings in Draco's room, had breakfast in bed. You gave each other presents, talked a lot about all kind of things. You shared a bed with him, cuddled all day. Basically all the things everyone always wants to do with the one they love.

Amneris, willow and Jacinda were also there the last week. You got to know them a bit better and they were all fun. Even the hard-faced Jacinda seemed to have a kind side.

You got out of the train and looked around for Harry. You decided to fix this as fast as your could. You didn't want to have any troubles with your father.

You saw him and hurried over to him. You grabbed the sleeve of his robes and he turned back. He looked at you.

'Harry.. listen.. I wanted to apologise. I acted like an idiot throwing our friendship away like that! After everything we've been through. I hope you can forgive me. I wish I could tell you why I did what I did but I can't..  I will tell you one day, I promise.'

Harry looked at you in confusion and Hermione pushed Harry a bit forwards.

'O-of course I forgive you..'

You didn't expect that it would go that quickly. You smiled.

'Thank you.. You don't know how important that answer is for me.'

You gave him a hug before walking back to Draco.

'Fixed.' You smiled before grabbed his hand. He smiled and intertwined his fingers with yours.

You walked into the great hall and sat down next to willow. Amneris and Jacinda were sitting opposite of you.

'Look, food!' Cinda smiled.

'Woop woop!' You laughed.

You filled your plate with your favourite food. Draco did the same and you started eating. You were very hungry, seeing that you didn't eat that much candy on the train.

' We have those stupid O.W.L.s coming up.' Willow sighed.

'That's going to be a lot of studying.' You added.

'It is... there goes our free time.' Jacinda whined.

'Yup.' Amneris sighed.

You looked around the great hall and stared at Umbridge. She still wasn't gone? How long was she planning on staying? You looked away and took another bite from your food.

After dinner you all walked back towards the common room. You sat down on one of the leather couches and laid your head on Draco's shoulder.

'Tired?' He asked.

'No.. this is just comfortable.'

Draco let out a chuckle. You smiled and brought your hand towards his hair. You started playing with it. Draco sighed and wanted to stop you but then he realised that he was already going to bed soon. You stopped and looked at him.

'You're not going to tell me to stop?' You asked.

'No, it's almost bedtime. So.. I don't care.'

You smiled and sat down on your knees. You straightened your back and rubbed your hand through his hair.

'Y/N! I didn't say you could do that!' Draco screamed.

He tried to grab your wrists. You laughed and he finally got them.

'You said you didn't mind..' You whined.

'I do mind that.' He sighed.

You said back down and Draco tried to save his hair. You cupped his face while he was busy and turned it to the side. You kissed him deeply. Draco slowly let go of his hair and moved his hands onto your cheeks.

'I love you.' Draco smiled. 'Even when you mess up my hair.'

'You know why it's good that I messed it up?' You asked.

Draco shook his head.

You got up and walked towards the back of the couch. You started fixing Draco's hair so it would be perfect again. You hugged him from behind and kissed the top of his head.

'I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow.'

'Goodnight.' Draco smiled.

You kissed his cheek before walking away.


The next day you and your friends were studying in the library during your free period.. well studying..  Amneris and Jacinda didn't seem to be able to concentrate.

They were constantly talking, fooling around with books and notes and laughing. It took away your focus but you didn't want to say anything about it.

'Give that back, That's mine.' Amneris grinned.

'Well I'm using it because I feel asleep during this class.' Jacinda chuckled.

'Guys, seriously?' Draco asked.

The two girls looked at him.

'What?' They asked in unison.

'I don't care that you guys don't feel like studying, but I do want to study. Just like Willow and Y/N, so take your conversation, bickering and laughing, somewhere else. Thank you.'

'Someone's grumpy.' Jacinda laughed.

'No, he's right. These O.W.L.s are very important! Please focus or go.' You sighed.

Amneris and Jacinda sighed and grabbed a book. They started reading and tried to study just like the rest was doing.

You didn't blame them. The new DADA classes weren't fun at all. You didn't use any magic, you just read and listened to Umbridge all lesson.

After awhile you were done with studying. You had so much more to do but you just couldn't concentrate anymore. You sighed and closed your book.

'Lets do something fun.. I'm done with this.'

'Like what?' Amneris immediately asked.

'Go for a walk? Fly a broom? Talk near the lake? Anything is better.. I can't read another sentence.

'Sounds good.' Draco said while stretching. 'Lets go.'

You all got up and made your way outside while talking and complaining about what you had to learn.

'What's the plan?' Draco asked.

It was quiet for awhile. Maybe you should have come up with something before you suggested to go.

'I didn't really think about that..'

'Great work, Y/N.' Willow laughed.

'I know right.' You agreed with a smile.

It was quiet again.

'I have an idea! I want to share something with you guys.' Jacinda smiled. 'Follow me.'

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