(READ THE A/N!!) 54 ~ was it worth it?

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THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH FOR THE 100K! I'm so happy! I never thought I would actually make It! This book is seriously the first book I wrote and I'm so proud. I love how this books turned out and I love every single one of you guys!

So now for the tiny give-away. I'll be giving away: a role in my book, including a shoutout and follow!

All I need is for you to comment here:

- a badass name
- small description!

Side note: you'll be a death eater.

I hope I'll get a lot of comments. I'll give this a week! I hope I'll get a lot of comments so I can pick someone cool! Thank you so much again.

Enjoy my chapter!


The three teleported. You fell to the ground and rolled a few inches before you laid still on the ground.

You all got up. You looked around. This wasn't the start of the maze... It was dark and creepy... clearly a graveyard.

'Where are we?' Cedric asked.

You started walking around. You decided to follow Cedric.

'I've been here before.' Harry said.

You and Cedric saw the cup. You crouched down besides it.

'It's a portkey.' Cedric spoke.

'Harry, the cup is a portkey.' You spoke.

'I've been here before.' Harry spoke with stress on his face. 'In a dream.'

'Cedric, Y/N, we have to get back to the cup. Now!' Harry spoke.

You and Cedric got up.

'What are you talking about?' Cedric asked.

In the distance you saw someone... Peter Pettigrew? Harry screamed and grabbed his scar. The fire under a large cauldron in the centre got lit. You two hurried over to harry.

 'Harry, What is it?' Cedric asked.

'Get back to the cup!' Harry hissed.

You and Cedric grabbed your wand.

'Who are you?! What do you want?!' Cedric asked.

You heard some mumbling.

'Avada Kedavra!' Peter hissed.

'No!' You and Harry yelled as Cedric got hit and dropped dead on the floor.

Your eyes were big and the memories came back of your parents dying. Your hands shook and you fell to your knees.

'Cedric! Cedric No! Cedric say something!'

'Go Y/N!' Harry yelled but your body couldn't move.

Your entire body was shaking and you couldn't think straight. Peter pointed his wand at Harry and trapped him in the statue above Tom Riddles grave. He was carrying something strange.

'Y/N!' He yelled.

You grabbed your wand and got up. You pointed it at her with a shaking hand.

'Do It! Now!' The creature spoke.

You hid behind the statue. You weren't leaving without Harry.

Peter threw the creature into the cauldron.

'A bone of the father.. willingly giving.' Peter spoke while using wingardium leviosa to put a bone into the cauldron.

'Flesh, from the servant. Willingly sacrificed.'

You closed your eyes as Peter cut of his hand.

'And the blood, of the enemy!'

Peter stepped closed and grabbed Harry's hand. He made a cut in his skin.

'Forcefully taken.'

Peter stepped back and threw in the drops of blood.

'The Dark Lord... shall rise.. again.'

Harry screamed loudly in pain. You walked over to Harry.


The cauldron lit on fire. You turned around and looked at it. It slowly vanished and a slowly but certainly. You saw a man... You stared at him. He slowly turned around. He looked at Peter.

'My wand wormtail.'

Peter handed him his wand.

'Hold out your arm.'

'M-Master. Thank you.' Peter spoke.

'The other arm wormtail.' The man hissed.

He grabbed it and pressed his wand on it. A dark Mark appeared... the dark Lord... Lord Voldemort. You squeaked in fear. A dark Mark also appeared in the sky. Suddenly all around you death eaters appeared.

'Welcome my friends... thirteen years it's been. And in the end. Here you stand before me, as if it was only yesterday. I confess myself... disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me!'

He started pulling maskes from the faces of the death eaters... You saw Gregorys father... Vincents father.

'Not even you..'

The Dark Lord stepped. Towards one of the final death eaters.


You gasped.

'I told you Harry... didn't I?!'

'Shut up Y/N!'

'No! I was right! He did it! He killed my parents!' You shouted with tears in your eyes.

You grabbed your wand and pointed it at him.

'My Lord, if I had detected a sign of your whispers-'

'Those signs, my slippery friend, has more then whispers.'

You stopped listening and just stared at the murderer of your parents. You let Harry go and saw the dark Lord walk to Cedric. You didn't pay attention to that.

'Was it worth it?!' You asked, stepping closer to Lucius.

The Dark Lord turned around and looked at you.

'What?' He asked.

'Was it worth it?! Killing the parents of the person you son so happens to like? Why did they have to die?! To bad you didn't get me that night!'

Lucius wanted to say something but the dark Lord cut him off.


He looked at Lucius and wormtail.

'Capture her.'

'What?!' You hissed and you tried to run away. Lucius grabbed you and Peter grabbed your other arm.

'Let me go!'

'I got this.' Lucius spoke and Peter walked off.

' When I tell Draco about this-'

'Shut up about my son. Here, take her with you!'

Lucius pushed you towards another death eater. He held you tightly and then apparated away with you, leaving Cedric and Harry alone.

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