80 ~ keep your mouth shut

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'I am actually happy Harry got out.' You sighed while closing the door behind you.

Draco sat down on his bed.

'Me too.' Draco admitted. 'The fight isn't over yet.'

You sat down besides Draco and dropped yourself down. You stared at the ceiling.

'Everyone is going to hate us at Hogwarts after this all.' You sighed. 'Even if they'd let us come back for pur final year, I don't think I'm going to do that.'

'I don't think they'd even want us back.'

'The other outcome is of course thay Voldemort rules over the entire wizatding world.'

'Then you'll definitely be the cool girl at school.' Draco grinned.

'How's that going to make me cool?'

'If anyone is angry at You they have Voldemort after their arses.'

You laughed and looked at him. Draco laid down besides you.

'Draco,will you promise me that you'll do everything you need to do to survive?'

'Of course. I promise. Will you do so too?'

You nodded. Draco laid down on his side, facing you.

'I wonder what is going to happen next.' He sighed.

'A war. A very big, long war.'

'At least I have you to get me through it.' Draco sighed. 'I swear if I had to do this all alone I'd die.'

You grinned and turned to him.

'You'd have the other girl here.. maybe you'd be dating one of them.'

'No way. You're the one I'd wanna date. In every life, in every existing reality. In some I'll just end up all alone because you might have a different guy or something.'

'No way. I think we'd then like each other without knowing it and both end up alone.'

Draco chuckled. There was a knock on the door. You both dropped yourself on your backs and sat up.

'Come in.' Draco said.

The door opened and Jacinda, Willow and Amneris walked in. Amneris closed the door behind her.

'We heard Harry was here.' Willow said.

'He was.' You just said.

'And he got away?' Jacinda asked.

'Yeah.' Draco said.

You looked at jacinda. Was she aiming for something?

'And you two didn't stop him?' She asked.

'We couldn't. Maybe if you three would have been there it could have worked.' You said.

'Yeah why weren't you three there?' Draco asked.

'We weren't called in. Maybe because we didn't spend as much time with Harry as you two.' Amneris reasoned.

'You still could have been there. It doesn't matter if you'd recognise him or not.' You sighed.

You couldn't take it that they were judging you while they didn't even try to do anything. They weren't even there. They had no idea whatthey were talking about.

'You guys recognised him and didn't say anything.' Jacinda bit.

'Excuse me? Were you there?' You asked while getting up. 'You have no idea what you're talking about because you weren't there. So you better keep your mouth shut.'

Draco got up and pulled you back a little.

'That's enough Y/N. We don't have to defend yourself against them.'

'Is it true what she said?' Amneris asked.

'It's not.' You hissed. 'He ran into a stinging jinx so we couldn't be sure.'

'Y/N, come on.'

Draco pulled you out of his room for a moment. Taking you down to the living rolm where you sat down besides him on the couch.

'One day they're our best friends and then they act like this.' You mumbled.

'It's not worth the time. They'll realise they're wrong.'

You laid your head back against the back pillows of the couch.

'Should we have said something?' You asked.


'About Harry. Should we have told them?'

Draco sighed and pulled you closer to him. You laid your head on his shoulder.

'No. Of course not. We did the right thing. We helped the wizarding world in our own little way.'

You kissed his neck shortly and grabbed his hand.

'Thank you for making something positive out of it.'

'That's what I'm here for.' He laughed.

You heard voices in the stairs. The girls were heading downstairs. You sighed and Draco moved his hand through your hair.

'Ignore them.' Draco said.

'You know I can't.'

'Yes you can.'

You saw them entering the room. They looked at you two but you didn't look back at them.

'Do you want to go outside?' Draco asked.

'No I want to go back upstairs. Now your room is safe.'

You got up and Draco did to. He laid his hand on your lower back to escort you out.

'Yeah, go ahead and avoid confrontation.' Jacinda sighed.

'I would rather not talk to someone who doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.' You bit while stopping.

'Y/N..' draco sighed.

'Don't Y/N me. She has no right to speak about anything.'

You turned around and shot her a look. Draco tried to pull you away but you pushed him back.

'Go listen to your boyfriend.' Jacinda grinned. 'That's all you do all day. Listen to his whining and constant complaining.'

Draco stepped away from you. You knew that he was okay with you confronting her.

'At least I have a boyfriend.' You shot back. 'Funny that you start about that but this conversation wasn't about my love life.'

'Oh no it was about how you betrayed the death eaters.' She smirked.

'I didn't betray the death eaters. If you were there you would have known.'

'You knew it was him. If you had said it he would have been dead by now. The dark Lord..  our dark Lord could have ruled over the wizatding world! And you decided to keep your fucking mouth-'

You grabbed your wand and pushed Janda back against the wall. Your wand was against her throat.

'Maybe my dad would like the hear how you didn't even show up. You could have stopped him from escaping if you were there? Do you think he's going to like the hear that? Or maybe I should use a stinging jinx on you to see if you'd be recognisable. So you better shut up before I actually do something to you.'

She gave you a deadly glare while you walked back to Draco. He grabbed your hand and you two walked upstairs.

'You're fierce.' He grinned. 'I like it.'

You laughed and entered his room. Draco closed the door. You walked towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck. Draco pulled you closer and kissed you.

'I think you made your point to Jacinda.' Draco grinned.

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