18 ~ Detention?!

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'Draco! Come one, we're late already! Snape is going to be pissed!'

You and Draco were running down the stairs heading to the potions classroom. You thought you had time enough but you were late... like 10 minutes already. You ran through the hall and slowed down on the slippery floor near the classroom. Draco didn't really succeed and he crashed into a wall. You started laughing and picked up Dracos books. You helped him op and you opened the door. Snape looked at you two who were still half laughing.

'Miss Y/L and mister Malfoy, may I ask the reason for your late arrival.'

You looked at Draco and grinned. You did al sorts of things. Kissing... hugging... tickling... rushing... tripping... laughing.

'We departed from our common room way to late.' Draco spoke.

'I see... well quickly have a seat and be quiet. I will subtract 10 points from Slytherin and Griffindor. I expect no further interruptions by the two of you.'

'Yes sir.' You said before walking towards an empty desk.

Draco sat down next to you. You put your books and opened them. You tried to find the right page. You decided to raise your hand.

'Miss Y/L?'

'What page are we discussing?' You asked.

Snape sighed.

'Page 54.' He said before continuing.

You skipped to page 54 and tried to follow the information.

'This is so boring.' Draco whispered to you.

You nodded and focused on the class again.

'Do you hear this guy's voice? It's like listening to someone who slowed down this lesson. As if it was recorded and no it has been slowed down. It's annoying as hell.'

You tried no to giggle. You couldn't make any sound. You tried to get serious again.

'Look at Longbottum. He's still practicing the bird spell... watch this.'

Draco grabbed his wand and used it on Nevilles quill making birds fly through the classroom.

'Mister Longbottom! What do you think you're doing?! This is a potions classroom! Not a playground! I will subtract 15 point from Gryffindor!'

'I will subtract 15 points from Gryffindor!' Draco whispered in your ear imitating Snape in a funny way.

You started laughing and made Draco laugh. You quickly covered your mouth but couldn't stop anymore. Draco wasn't really helping because his laugh was even funnier that what made you laugh.

'Mister Malfoy and miss Y/L! Both of you, my desk after this lesson!'

He was really pissed of. You tried to calm yourself again but every time Draco whispered something to you it came back and you started laughing again.

'I want you guys out! Get out of my classroom! I'll see you after this class!'

You gathered your book and walked outside. You were followed by Draco and as soon as he looked at you it happened again. You just couldn't stop anymore. You alsmost cried and Draco sat down against the wall holding his stomach because the lauging made it hurt. You sat down next to him when you were done laughing.

'Well... at least we had fun.' Draco said while wiping away the tears in his eyes.

'Yes we did... We only get detention I guess.'

'Yeah... We won't get expelled by laughing.'

You looked at the floor. Well... your parents were going to be pissed when they heard about this. Y/N Y/L in detention... probably.

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