12 ~ the astronomy tower

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It was after Christmas. You sat in the train, in an empty carriage. A lot of students walked passed your carriage and then Hermione walked in.

'Hi Y/N!'


She sat down next to you and gave you a hug.

'How was your holiday?' She asked.

'It was so much fun. I met my old friends... They asked me were I had been. I wasn't allowed to tell them which kind of sucks. But we made snowmans, celebrated new year... you?'

'I just celebrated. I got this.'

Hermione grabbed a necklace. It was a hourglass which was positioned in the middle. It was surrounded by 2 other circles. This wasn't a normal necklace...

'What is it?'

'It's a time turner. If you turn these,' she pointed and the small screw kind of things on the side, 'you can go back in time.'

You looked at it with big eyes.

'You can go back in time?! That's awesome!'

'Yeah! I got it from McGonagall. It used to be her time turner but she doesn't need it any more.'

You looked at it a bit closer...

You got out of the train. Finally back at Hogwarts. You smiled and walked towards the boats. You and Hermione got into one. You saw Draco and when he looked at you he smiled. You smiled back. He got into another boat and Neville and Susan joined us. The boat started to move. You were there in not time and got out. Draco walked towards you.

'Meet me in the astronomy tower after your done unpacking.' He winked and walked away.

'What did he want?' Hermione asked.

'Nothing. He just asked me something.'

You walked inside towards the great hall. Ron and Harry were waiting there. We walked towards them. Hermione hugged Ron and you hugged Harry.

'Hi guys! How was your Christmas?' Harry asked.

You and Hermione told them everything about your Christmas while walking towards the common room.

'We'll see you guys later. We have to unpack.' Hermione told them.

'Okay... after your done meet us in the great hall for dinner.' Ron said with a smile.

'I can't... I have to take care of something from my mother.' You quickly made up.

'Erm... okay, will you come Hermione?' Harry asked.

'Sure.' She answered.

We walked upstairs. Our luggage was already there. You started unpacking.

'Y/N... I know that your going to meet with Malfoy.' Hermione suddenly said.

You looked up.

'What? I don't know wat your talking about.'

'O please Y/N.'

You ignored her and continued unpacking.

'I know that you and Malfoy are together.'

What? She knows?


'I saw you two... kissing at the lake a week of 3... 4 ago.'

You looked confused.

'There was no one there. How the hell did you see us?'

She smirked.

'That's my secret... but don't worry, I won't tell anyone.'

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