46 ~ champion selection

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You walked into the great hall and looked at the big cup of the Triwizard Tournament. You saw Ron and Harry talking. You approached them.

'I don't get it. Why would you volunteer for this? You can die.' You sighed.

'Yeah... I don't get it either.'

'Eternal glory! That's why.' Ron grinned.  'If you win you're amazing.'

'Yes!!' You heard behind you.

Everyone started applauding as Fred and George ran in with a small bottle in their hands.

'Thank you!' They smiled while giving high fives.

You grinned and as they passed you, you gave them a high five.

'Well, lads, we've done it!' George spoke.

'Cooked it up just this morning!' Fred smiled.

'It's not going to woooorrk.' Hermione sighed.

You hadnt even noticed her. She was reading on the side of the great hall. Fred and George sat down besides Hermione.

'Oh yeah?' George asked. 

'And why is that so?'

'You see this?' Hermione asked while pointing at the circle around the goblet. 'That's and Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself.'

'So?' The twins asked.

'So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a Dodge as pathetically dimwitted as and aging potion.' She sighed.

'But that's why it's so brilliant!' George smiled. 

'Because it's so pathetically dimwitted.'

They got up and stand on the bench. They drank the potion and jumped into the age line. You couldn't believe nothing happened!

'Yes!' They smiled.

Everyone clapped. They threw in they're papers. Still nothing happened! Well, maybe Dumbledore didn't protect it as well.

'Yes!' They spoke again before high fiving.

But then the flame grew brighter and they're papers flew out and pushed the two boys out of the aging line. You laughed and the boys got up with gray hair and a long beard. They started fighting. Everyone gathered around them and you and Hermione stayed where you were.

'Bloody idiots.' You laughed as you looked at Hermione.

The door opened and everyone looked up. Viktor Krum walked in. You saw Hermione looking at him with a slight smile. Viktor put his name into the goblet, then he smiled at Hermione who smiled back with a blush. He walked away.

You looked at Hermione who looked at you shortly. You smirked at her. She rolled her eyes with a slight smile. You left the great hall and walked towards the common room.

'Hi.' Draco smiled.

You sat down besides him and Draco gave you a small kiss.

'I went to the goblet. The people who put their names in there are crazy.' You sighed. 

'Well, it will be fun to look at.' Draco spoke.

'Maybe.' You shrugged. 'It's just not my thing. What happens when someone dies? Don't they need permission?' You asked.

'No, it's their choice.'

'But shouldn't parents at least get the choice to say: yes, my child is allowed to die?'

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