65 ~ insulting

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You and Draco were sitting in at the kitchen table. Lucius asked you to wait there for him. You both had an amazing holiday together until then. Long mornings in bed, walks through the garden, cuddling. You both totally forgot that Lucius wanted to say something to you two.

'I totally forgot about this.' You sighed.

'Yeah.. me too.'

'I hope it doesn't ruin our holiday.'

'You're here, so it won't ruin mine.' Draco smiled while playing with your hair (If possible).

You blushed and smiled. The door opened. Draco quickly let go of your hair and he sat up. You looked at the door. Narcissa, Lucius and Voldemort came in. You swallowed and watched your father move towards the table and he sat down in front of you.  Narcissa looked at you two, almost forcing you to greet him.

'Good afternoon.. my lord.' Draco said.

You didn't say anything. You refused to speak to him. Draco hit you with his elbow under the table. You shot him a look at then looked back at your father. Lucius and Narcissa sat down as well. Narcissa looked at you but you refused to acknowledge her.

'I see you haven't forgot about your manners.' Voldemort said to Draco.

He then looked at you.

'I hoped that your so called "parents" raised you better.' He said.

'If you wanted that you should have raised me yourself.' You spat.

'Listen to me, Y/N. I don't care what your opinion is. I told to you to listen to me.'

'You never said that I have to greet you when you come in.' You sighed.

Voldemort sighed. You crossed your arms and looked at him.

'Stubborn and annoying.. you're like your mum.'

'Why are we suddenly talking about her?' You sighed.

'Can't is say that you remind me of her? That you look like her?' He asked you.

You grinned and looked at him. You knew the next comment could be your death but you still said it.

'I look like her indeed.. I have a nose.' You said.

You saw him hold back his anger while balling his fist a bit.

'Y/N!' Narcissa exclaimed. 'Have a little respect for our dark Lord please.'

'Just tell us what you want to say already! We're wasting time.' You sighed, completely ignoring Narcissa.

Voldemort took a deep breath, trying not to kill you.

'I brought you in because you have something very important to do when you go back to Hogwarts.' He started. 'In the room of requirement there is a very important object. A vanishing cupboard.'

You never heard of that in your life.

'It has a twin in Borgin and Burges. I need you two to mend it. It had to be done quickly but carefully. It isn't an easy task. When it's done I'll send some death eaters with you all.. and I need you two for something else.'

You looked at Draco and back at him. You didn't have a good feeling about this.

'I need you two to kill Dumbledore.' He said.

Your eyes grew wider for a second but you quickly returned them to normal. You swallowed and tried to hold back. Kill Dumbledore?! Was he insane?! 

'This is your time to shine. If you don't succeed.. I'll kill both if you.' He said. 'Whether you're my daughter of not.' He said while looking at you.

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