38 ~ Ginny

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'It's really quite filthy down here.' Lockhart spoke.

'Alright, let's go.' Harry spoke.

'Oh Harry...' moaning Myrtle spoke. 'If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet.'

You looked at her with a look of disgust.

'Thanks Myrtle.' Harry just spoke.

Then Harry jumped in. You looked at Ron. You grabbed his hand and jumped in pulling him with you. Downstairs you fell on a pile of bones. You pointed your wand at Lockhart while getting up and Harry and Ron did the same.

'Now, remember: any sign of movement, close your eyes immediatly.' Harry spoke.

Harry climbed into a hole in the wall. 

'Go on.' Ron spoke.

Lockhart followed Harry and then you followed after Ron. It was like a maze of tunnels. You sighed and thought you would never find your way. Then Harry stopped.

'This way.'

He jumped down into a room. You looked around the chamber and saw something huge and partly see through laying on the floor.

'What's that?' You asked.

'It looks like a snake.' Lockhart spoke.

'It's a snakes skin.'  Harry spoke while following it.

'Bloody hell.... whatever shed this must be 60 feet long.'

'Or more.' You spoke.

Lockhart suddenly collapsed next to Ron. You turned around and looked at him.

'Hard to relay on, this one.' You sighed.

Then he got up while grabbing Rons broken wand.

'Brilliant.' You sighed while grabbing your wand and pointing it at him.

'The adventure stops here kids. But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was to late to save the girl. How you to tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So... you first miss Y/L.' He spoke while pointing the wand at you.

You swallowed and got a better hold of your wand. 

'Say goodbye to your memories... obliviate!' He hissed.

The spell backfired and Lockhart flew back and hit the wall. You felt the room shake and stones collapsed in front of you separating you from Harry. You ran back and coughed.

'Harry!' You yelled.

'Y/N! Ron! Are you okay?!' Harry asked. 

'We're fine.' You spoke.

Lockhart sat up and looked at the two of you.

'Hello.' He smiled. 'Who are you two?' He asked.

'Ron Weasley.' Ron spoke.

'Y/N Y/L.'

'Oh really... aaand... who am I?' He asked.

'You have got to be kidding me.' You sighed.

'Lockhart's memory charm backfired! He hasn't got any idea who he is!' Ron yelled at Harry.

'This is an odd place isn't it?' Lockhart asked while looking around.

He grabbed a stone and looked at Ron.

'Do you live here?' He asked.

Ron grabbed the stone from his hand.

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