84 ~ hide

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You looked at all the death eaters infront of you. You held Draco's hand tightly. It was quiet.. creepily quiet. No one said a thing.

You were all heading to Hogwarts. It was going to be a mess. You hadn't been back in so long. Were you going to be able to survive? Everybody must hate you..

It was killing you that you knew that you were on the wrong side. You didn't want to die. You still had a whole life ahead of you.. but you were voldemorts daughter.. who would ever trust you again?

Draco saw that you were troubled. He pulled you closer to his and kissed your head.

'Everything will be alright.' He whispered. 'I'm here for you, I'll protect you.'

'I don't want you to. You could die protecting me. Protect yourself. I'll be okay.'

'They're after you Y/N. Everyone knows you're a riddle. You can't expect me not to protect you.'

You didn't say anything. The whole group stopped. Narcissa wanted you at the back of the crowd. If you would go into Hogwarts, you wouldn't be spotted first.

You could hardly understand what your father was saying. You weren't focused on it. You were just thinking about everything that could go wrong.

Draco grabbed your hand again. You looked at him. He leaned in and kissed you. You kissed him back right away. He pulled back shortly afterwards. You looked at the floor sadly right away. He moved some hair away from your face and pushed your face up a little. Your eyes looked into his.

'Stay close to me.' He said. 'I don't want to lose you.'

'Stop Draco. I don't want to think about that.'

Draco didn't say anything. You saw Voldemort casting a spell at the huge shield around Hogwarts. The moment was coming close. This wasn't good. You looked at Draco. He noticed it and looked back at you.

'I love you. Please remember that.' You said.

'I love you too.'

Shortly after that everyone started running towards Hogwarts. They split up in groups and charged. You were running with Draco.

You couldn't go into Hogwarts like this. You would be noticed right away. You stopped running. There were still more death eaters running past you.

'What are you doing?!' Draco asked.

You grabbed his arm and pulled him with you in the surrounding forest.

'Are you insane?! If you father finds out we ran off he'll kill us!'

'We can't run in there! They'll kill us on the spot. We have to apparate in later! I'm not going to risk my fucking life!'

'We have no fucking choice Y/N! Your father doesn't like traitors!'

'I'm not going to run in there and die! I'm not going to run in there and watch you die! I'm not ready to lose you.. I'm not ready to lose my life! So if you want to go in there and be killed on the spot? Go ahead!'

Draco looked at you. You were panicking. He saw how scared you were.

'I'm not ready Draco. You're the only thing I have left if my father dies. If I die I can't even start to build up a normal life. I don't want to do this Draco. Everyone hates me, they all want me dead. Killing my father isn't the only important thing. They'll think I'm just like him. One riddle down.. One more to go.. and that will be me.'

You looked away from him and tried to hold your tears back. Draco walked closer to you and wrapped his arms around you.

'They won't kill you. Everybody who knows who you are, knows how sweet you are. You're not like him. Just because he's your father doesn't mean you have the same idea of what's right or wrong.'

'Try explaining that to everyone at Hogwarts.' You mumbled.

Draco wished that he could help you but he couldn't he hated it. You looked up at him. He leaned down to kiss you shortly.

'We really have to go inside.'

You didn't say anything. Draco kissed your forehead and grabbed your hands. You took a deep breath. He then apparated you two inside.

It was a mess around you right away. Spells were shooting everywhere. You already saw some dead people. Death eaters..  but also just students. Your eyes shot through the room as you tried to take in what was happening.

Draco grabbed your wrist. You looked at him. He grabbed his mother's wand and pulled you with him. He past many fighting wizards and witches. You just ran with him.

Draco pushed you aside and casted Stupefy at a student who tried to harm you. He pushed you into a corridor and shot another spell.

'No Jacinda! You're the one who always acts tough! We can't suddenly give up!' You heard willow said.

'Do you want to die Willow?! We can't stay here! We have to go!'

'What about Y/N and Draco?' Amneris asked. 'They're our friends. We can't leave them here.'

Draco looked at you and you looked at him. He pulled you towards them. Amneris looked at you two.

'Guys! Thank God you survived!'

'Go! If you guys want to go, go. It's okay. We won't tell anyone.' You immediately said.

'Are you crazy?! If Voldemort finds out we're all dead!' Willow hissed.

'Then hide! If you're not willing to fight, then hide.'

Draco didn't want to interfere in this.

'What about you two?' Jacinda asked.

'We really don't have a choice.. You guys do. He isn't focussed on you as much as he is focussed on us. It's okay. We'll see you after the war.'

Amneris walked over to you and hugged you. You hugged her back.

'Please survive.' She said. 'Watch out for each other.'

'We will.'

Amneris hugged Draco too. Willow walked over to you hugged you. You hugged her back.

'Goodluck.' She just said.

Jacinda looked at you.

'I know we haven't always agree on everything. I know we've had our fight.. but I surely would find it regrettable of you'd die.'

You walked over to her and hugged her. She didn't hug you back at first but she slowly hugged you back. You smiled.

'Take care of yourself Jacinda.'

'I will.' She said.

You let her and grabbed Draco's hand.

'Bye guys.' You said.

You and Draco continued your way, leaving your friends behind.

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