77 ~ jealous

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I love writing cute chapters so here have one.

Okay byeee xD

You laid awake again. Millions of thoughts going through your mind. You were so puzzled about everything. Draco was asleep besides you.

You looked at him and let out a sigh. He looked so peaceful but during the day he was just stressed out. You just hoped that he was fine. You just hoped that he would tell you when he wasn't.

Well you also weren't talking to him.. You didn't tell him that you laid awake. That you were worried about literally everything and everyone.

You got up and slowly walked out of The, trying to let Draco sleep. You closed the door softly and walked over to the bathroom. You turned on the light and closed the door. You walked over to the sink and looked at yourself in the mirror.

Dark circles were beginning to form around your eyes. This was insane.. You couldn't keep going like this. You had to force yourself to sleep. Some way..

You walked back towards Draco's room and walked inside you laid back down in the bed. You heard Draco yawn a little and he turned turned to you. He wrapped and arm around you and kissed your head.

'Why are you awake?' He asked You, still partly asleep.

'I had to use the toilet.' You just said.

'You always tell me that I have to be honest with you, so be honest with me too.'

'Just go to sleep Draco, you're tired.'

'So are you.' He said, sounding more awake.

You didn't say anything and just stared at the ceiling.

'Y/N, I'm trying to help you here.'

You looked at him and pressed your lips against his shortly. You smiled weakly at him.

'What's wrong?' He asked you while moving some hair away from your face. 'You know you can tell me anything, right?'

'I know.' You said.

'Then what's wrong?' He asked you.

'Everything.' You just said.



Draco moved his hand through your hair.

'I can't do this Draco. I can't live like this. I don't want to be his daughter, I don't want to watch people die, I don't want to kill or torture people.. I just want to have a normal life. Or at least a life in which I'm good. You're the only positive thing in my life right now and I'm scared I'm going to lose you.'

'You'll never lose me Y/N. I'm by your side through this. After this is over we can be normal again.'

'No one wants the daughter of Voldemort in their lives. Whether it's friend or a job.. I'm doomed.'

Draco hated to hear you talk like this and he couldn't deny that. But he was still going to to make you feel better.

'It's going to be okay. You're not evil Y/N. Everyone who knows you, knows that. And if they don't I'll be there as the badass boyfriend to back you up.'

You grinned and shook your head.

'We can survive this together.' Draco smiled.

'Together.' You smiled.

Draco turned on his back. You laid your head underneath his shoulder on his chest. Your hand laid slightly underneath your head and Draco had his arm wrapped around you.

'I love you Y/N. Don't worry too much okay. And talk to me. You know that I can always help you.'

'I know, I will. I love you too.'

You slowly closed your eyes. You noticed that you felt a lot better..  and tired. You slowly closed your eyes. Draco watched you fall asleep slowly. He smiled and knew that he could fall asleep too.


You slowly woke up the next morning and looked around. The curtains were still closed but a lot of light was shining through them. Draco wasn't besides you anymore.

You had no idea what time it was. All you knew what that you slept well. You laid back down and yawned.

The door slowly opened. You looked up and saw Draco. He was wearing some sweatpants.. only some sweatpants and underwear of course. You smiled when you saw him.

'Good afternoon.' Draco grinned.

'Afternoon?' You asked him.

'It's a a few minutes past 2.. I thought I'd let you sleep.'

You were confused for a moment. Draco chuckled and climbed onto the bed.

'The one day in my life that I get to see Draco Malfoy in sweatpants.' You laughed.

Draco smiled and kissed you. You kissed him back right away.

'Did you go downstairs like this?' You asked him when he pulled back.

'Erm.. yes.' He said.

'Draco!' You hissed.

'What?' He asked in confusion.

'With all those girls running around you go downstairs like this?' You asked him.

Draco looked at you and just started laughing. You pushed him down in the bed but he wouldn't stop.

'Are you seriously jealous right now? You know I don't like Jacinda, I'm not interested in Willow and I didn't even see Amneris today, plus I don't like like her. God you're impossible.' He spoke while still half laughing.

You just pushed him a little and turned you back to him. Draco laid an arm over you and you felt his chest against your back. He kissed your cheek and grinned.

'You're so cute when you're jealous.'

He moved your shoulder a little to get him away.

'Don't be grumpy, you love me. Besides you're the only girl I like. I promise.'

He managed to press his lips against your neck and he left a hickey.

'So now I claimed you and we can just move on. You don't have to be jealous.'

'Maybe you should be so.. stupid!'

'Come on Y/N, Don't be mad.'

'Stupid is like your middle name.'

'Actually it's Lucius.' Draco said while sitting up.

You sat up and pushed him. He fell down on the bed and laughed again. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you on top of him.

'Let me go you stupid ferret.' You sighed.

'Brining the ferret back, huh?' He grinned.

He laid you down besides him and hovered over you. You looked at him and tried to keep an annoyed face.

Draco brushed his nose past yours and smiled at you.

'Y/N don't be like thiiisss.' He smiled.

'Stop it.' You said with a small smile.

'I can see you're smiling.' He smirked.

That damn smirk of his.

'Smirking isn't fair.' You said while your smile grew wider. 'It makes you too sexy.'

'I'm always sexy.'

'Ego much?'

Draco pressed his lips against yours and you kissed him.

'You must be starving. I'll make us some lunch.' Draco smiled.

'Food to make up to me.' You laughed. 'Sounds good.'

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