6 ~ nightmare visions?

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A few days later, Thursday to be precise, you woke up and walked towards the mirror. You didn't have any nightmares any more. It was almost time for class, when Snuffles arrived with a letter. You opened the window and she sat down on het stick. You grabbed the letter and opened it.

Dear Y/N,

Congratulations! We love that you are into Gryffindor!

Great that you made friends all ready. We are really proud of you!

We're really sorry Y/N, but we can't tell you. It's better of you figure it out by yourself. Surrounded by your friends you will find a way to know who you are.

We still love you,

Xx mom and dad.

You couldn't believe this! They weren't going to tell you?! You made a little ball of the paper out of anger and threw it in to the bin. You sat down on your bed and sighed.

'Come on Y/N, we are going to be later for class.' Hermione said while walking into the room.

'What's up?' She asked.

'My parents refuse to tell me... I have to figure out my self!'

'Don't worry, we will help you, but you have to come now Y/N!'

You grabbed your books and walked down stairs.

Later in potions class you were going to make the Cure for Boils potion.

'Welcome class. Please grab your recipe and I'll check it.'

You and Harry put yours down. Snape walked past all tables. He stopped everywhere to read it.

'Okay you can continue.' He told us.

We grabbed all ingredients and put our cauldron on the fire.

'Al right Harry, who's going to do what?' You asked.

'I'll pass you put it in?'

'Sure...' you read the first step. 'Add 6 crushed snake fangs to your cauldron and stir.'

Harry crushed the snake fangs and passed them. You put it in.

'Slice your Pungous Onions finely and place in cauldron, then heat the mixture.'

So harry started slicing and he passed it.

'Add dried nettles... Add a dash of Flobberworm mucus and stir vigourously.'

You started string. Some other students we doing that as well.

'Add a sprinkle of powdered ginger root and stir vigourously again.'

You stired.

'This is a good workout for you arms.'

'Add pickled Shrake spines.'

He passed it.

'Stir gently, so as not to overexcite the Shrake spines.'

You started stiring again.

'Add a glug of stewed horned slugs.'

When you wanted to put it in Draco walked passed you and hit your shoulder you almost put everything in.

'Watch your step Malfoy!' Harry reacted.

'No Potter, I was just passing I didn't do anything wrong.'

'Guys just stop!' You mangled into the fight.

'What's up Y/L? Can't take a small fight, o yeah sorry, argument? And you are a Y/L?'

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