40 ~ I'm going home

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Huge time skip because I want this story to go to the 4th year or 5th year as fast as possible


'I've made up my mind.' You spoke while sitting down besides Hermione and Ron in the library. 'I'm going home this Christmas.'

The Gryffindors looked at you.

'You haven't been talking to us in weeks and that's the first thing you say?' Harry asked.

You sighed.

'Alright... I'm sorry that I got sorted in Slytherin and made a new friends called Blaise and I now hardly talk to you, but really I can't help it because I'm in a different house and finally accepted after weeks which I would like to keep that way.' You said.

'So you think it's more important to be accepted in Slytherin then talking to your friends?' Harry asked.

'Harry calm down... why are you going home Y/N? Your parents will die.' Hermione said. 

'Yes, but if I go home I'll be able to protect them!'

'So you think you can save them while you're in your third year at Hogwarts? They have finished their education, Y/N... we should take your dreams really seriously! They have all been coming true.' Hermione commented.

You sighed.

'You won't be able to save them. You aren't strong enough... not yet.' Harry spoke.

'I could always try... I have to try. I can't just let my parents die. Am I supposed to do that?! You know what... never mind.'

You got up and left the library. You sighed and walked into the corridor. You saw Draco... wearing short sleeves? No... that couldn't be true. Draco was a death eater... he didn't want anyone to know. You wanted to walked towards him when Blaise walked towards you.

'Hi Y/N!'

You looked at him and smiled.

'Hi Blaise.'

'Where are you off to?' He asked.

'Well...' you looked passed his shoulder and saw that Draco was gone. 'No where actually. Just... walking.'

'Well should I just walk with you?' He joked.

You grinned and nodded.

'Blaise, I think I'm going to go home this Christmas.'

You told Blaise about the dreams and about your parents.

'Are you sure? You know that your dream will come true.'

'I know... maybe I can protect them... I can try at least.' You sighed. 

'I admire your courage.' He smiled. 'You can always try!'

'That's what I wanted to hear.' You smiled.

You walked towards the common room with Blaise while chatting.

'I'll be upstairs... I'm going to let my parents know that I'll be coming home.'

'Are you sure about this? Like 100%?'

'Yes Blaise... don't worry. I haven't even told them that I got resorted. It will be good if I sent them a letter.'

'Okay! I'll see you later.' He smiled.

You hurried up to your room and sat down. You grabbed some paper and a quill.

Dear mom and dad,

How are you doing? I'm doing fine! I have a few things I want to tell you guys!

First off all... I got resorted. The sorting hat made a mistake. I'm a Slytherin now. When I think about it, it isn't that weird. I also speak parseltongue. I wanted to ask if any of you two could do that too. I found it out last year but didn't dare to ask. Slytherin is an okay house. I made a new friend Blaise. He's really nice, I also avoid Draco... it makes it a lot more difficult like this but I just ignore him.

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