13 ~ they know?!

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You sat in the common room reading a book when Harry, Ron and Hermione came in.

'Y/N? Where have you been?' Harry asked immediately.

'I was late last night and I woke up a bit early... missed class because I was doing something else.'

'You really have to keep track of time.' Ron said with a sigh.


Hermione smirked at you. You looked at her confused. Did she see something?

'I'm going to do my hair. It's a mess today.'

You got up and walked upstairs. Hermione followed you. She definitely saw something. You walked towards your room and brushed your hair.

'Well well sleepy head.' She said with a smirk.

'What did you see?'

'O nothing... just you and Draco sleeping in the Astronomy tower while you missed 2 lessons. So, did you sleep well?'

'First of all, get that smirk of your face. Second of all, yes.'

She grinned.


'It looked so cute. I've never seen Dracos hair more messy, and you were laying against him with a slight smile.'

'Shut up.' You said while looking back into the mirror.

You finished brushing your hair. You looked at Hermione. You saw her holding back a smile.


'Sorry I can't help it! The image was to cute I can't forget it anymore! Help me!' She said with a big smile.

'Hermione, we wanted to go yesterday evening but Draco asked me to stay and I was tiered and Draco didn't want to wake me up... don't you dare tell anyone.'

'I won't, I swear.'

You walked downstairs and sat down on the couch.

'So what are the plans for the rest of the day?' You asked.

'I don't know... We could go to the lake.' Harry suggested.

'Sure.' Ron said.

You got up and you walked towards the lake. You sat down. There was still a lot of snow outside. You saw Draco coming from the astronomy tower. You left before he did. You gave him a smile. He smiled back.

'Well Malfoy, not dressed in robes and missing class.' Harry said as soon as he saw him.

'Shut up Potter. Why do you even care? I missed like 4 lessons, so what?'

'Just so you know, Snape subtracted points from Slytherin. Maybe we will win the house cup after all.'

Draco sniffed.

'Keep dreaming Potter.'

Draco walked towards you.

'I can't believe that your friends with that, by the way we should do that astronomy tower thing more often... but next time wake up in time.' He whispered in your ear.

You chuckled and nodded. He winked and walked away.

'What did he say?' Ron asked.

'Nothing important... nothing about you guys.'

'Come on Y/N, you can share it.' He said.

'It's nothing, really believe me.'

Hermione looked at Ron. He raised his brows.

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