44 ~ don't date him ever again

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It had been a few weeks and you completely ignored Draco. You couldn't believe the trouble this all caused you. Now you were ready to go... to the Weasleys. You couldn't go home.

You walked with your trunks down the stairs and saw Draco coming down as well. You gave him a nasty look before walking towards the exut


'Shut up Malfoy.' You scoffed.

'So you want to go into the fourth year like this? Enemies?'

You turned to him.

'It was your own choice.' You just said before walking out of the common room.

Draco hurried after you.

'I've been trying to talk to you! I have an explanation.'

'Do you think I care?!' You asked.


You shook your head and walked out of the castle. You saw the carriages. Ron, Hermione and Harry were waiting for you.

'Get that bloody ferret away from me or I'll kill him.' You hissed.

You ran towards them.

'What do you suggest we do?' Harry asked.

'This.' You said and you put your trolley down on the ground and turned around.

You grabbed your wand and pointed it at Draco who stopped a few meters away from you.

'Go... away...' you hissed.

'Not until we've talked.'

'Get into the carriage.' You whispered.

Your friends got into the carriage. 

'What's there to talk about? You betrayed me.' You spoke while slowly stepped back.

You bumped against the carriage and felt the stairs behind you. You quickly turned around and got in. The carriage drove away and left draco behind.

'Twat.' You mumbled.

'You know... maybe you should listen to him.' Hermione spoke carefully.

'Why?' You asked.

'Maybe... he has an explanation... maybe he really didn't want to do it.' Hermione reasoned.

'It's Malfoy. He's constantly lying.' Harry sighed.

'I agree with Harry.' Ron sighed.

'Malfoy is clearly trying to explain something to you. Why don't you just listen?'

You didn't answer and sighed. The carriage stopped. You got into the train and started looking for an empty compartment. Ron sat down besides you and Hermione and Harry sat down in front of you.  You looked out of the window as the train left.

'My mother is happy to take you in.' Ron said.

'Yeah.. thank you about that.' You spoke with a weak smile.

'Of course, we're friends. I'm always there for you.'

At that moment, Draco passed your compartment. You exchanged glances for a moment. You got up and walked out of the compartment.

'You get one minute.' You spoke.

Draco turned around and looked at you.


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