Laxus x Reader | Saving Me

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『 Saving Me 』

Every time I close my eyes, I return to the blissful memories of the peaceful past. Since all we had was each other in this vast world, I thought my dragon and I shared a bond. After teaching me so much, after showering me in so much love, I truly thought that all we needed was each other.

I was wrong.

Was this truly all I amounted to?

It's almost funny, how just a few days ago, I we were laughing after I had accidentally struck down another tree and now here I am, walking around aimlessly in this forest in between life and death. I keep hoping – keep wishing – that she would fly back and continue teaching me, yet somewhere in my heart, I've already accepted that I would never see her again. The last time we said our goodbyes were truly the last.

I don't want that in the slighted, but it's not like I have a choice.

Taking a step hurts... moving hurts... but I have to keep going or thise things will catch up.

After so many hours of this endless chase, I just want to rest and perhaps join her in my dreams... what other purpose do I have in life? I don't have a goal. I don't have anything after she left me so cold-heartedly. I doubt that I'll survive another week.

I heard the yells of vulcans behind me. Realisation dawned that this would be my final fight and that these forests would be my final resting place. Though, could it really be classified as a fight if I were to collapse after just a single hit?

Turns out, I overestimated myself. Before it even got close to me, my legs completely gave out after days of endless running.

No matter how strong I was, I had no chance of winning when they had numbers on their side.

Fear shook my entire body as I desperately raised my arms, attempting to conjure some kind of lightning but it was weak and had no effect. Instinct made me shut my eyes, hoping that if I did maybe I would wake up from this dream.

"Someone... please..." a whisper escaped from my lips as a plea. I didn't realise how much it hurt to talk.

I can't die yet... if I do, I really will never see her again.

I continued to wait for the pain to hit me but nothing came. When I opened my eyes once again, there was a boy in front of me around my eyes. Lightning surrounded him much like my own as he fought all of them off. Eventually, the vulcans all ran away and he turned back to me, offering his hand.

"Are you alright? Can you stand?" He asked in a kind voice.

I shook my head, my throat suddenly dry.

"Do you have a home?"

Once again, I shook my head as tears welled up in my eyes when I thought back to when I lived with her.

"Then get on my back, I'll carry you to the guild," he decided. It was either do what he said or sit here and die so I chose to climb on his back.

"T-Thank you," I forced out, resting my head against his shoulder.

I felt safe and tired as well. I closed my eyes and in mere moments, I fell asleep. Safety at last...

Thank you for saving my life even when you didn't know me.

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